ConvAI Router Bot Poller (CRBP)

Integration tool which makes DeepPavlov agents accessible via ConvAI Router Bot


  1. Clone CRBP and cd to repository folder:
    git clone
    cd convai_router_bot_poller
  2. Create and activate Python 3.6 virtual environment:
    virtualenv env -p python3.6
    source env/bin/activate
  3. Install dependencies:
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. To start CRBP run:
    python [--model_url <model_infer_url>] \
                     [--host <router_bot_host>] \
                     [--port <router_bot_port>] \
                     [--token <bot_token>] \
                     [--state] \
                     [--convai] \
  • --model_url <model_infer_url>: where to send POST-requests from the ConvAI Router Bot for processing. Overrides default settings from config.json.
  • --host <router_bot_host>: ConvAI Router Bot host address. Overrides default settings from config.json.
  • --port <router_bot_port>: ConvAI Router Bot port. Overrides default settings from config.json.
  • --token <bot_token>: ConvAI Router Bot token. Overrides default settings from config.json.
  • --state: add this argument to send dialogue state besides utterance to model. Overrides default settings from config.json.
  • --convai: add this argument to send full payload to model instead of plain text. Overrides default settings from config.json.
  • --agent: add this argument to send utterances from router bot to web interface of dp-agent. Overrides default settings from config.json.

ConvAI Router Bot Poller modes

One can use 4 combinations of convai and state states while agent is set to False. agent mode could be set to True only when convai and state are set to False.

In state mode CRBP sends two argument batches: utterances batch and state batch. State could be None or any JSON structure. Argument names are stored at config.json.

In convai mode CRBP sends as utterance data received from ConvAI Router Bot as is. Payload structure could be seen in _get_message_dict function from conversation_getaways module. In not convai mode CRBP sends only text field.

CRBP mode request payload
convai=False, state=False, agent=False {'x': ['a', 'b']}
convai=True, state=False, agent=False {'x': [<payload_0>, <payload_1>]}
convai=False, state=True, agent=False {'x': ['a', 'b'], 'state': [<state_0>, <state_1>]}
convai=True, state=True, agent=False {'x': [<payload_0>, <payload_1>], 'state': [<state_0>, <state_1>]}
convai=False, state=False, agent=True {'user_id': 74455, 'payload': 'Hello, Agent!'}