Base Dockerfile for the GPU based stand models

Installation and build

  1. Install Docker according the instructions:

  2. Install nVIDIA Docker according the instructions:

  3. Clone the repo and cd to project root:

    git clone
    cd stand_docker_base
  4. Build base stand Docker images for each CUDA versions:

    sudo docker build -t stand/docker_cuda:8.0 cuda/cuda_8.0/
    sudo docker build -t stand/docker_deeppavlov:cuda-8.0 deeppavlov/cuda_8.0/
    sudo docker build -t stand/docker_cuda:9.0 cuda/cuda_9.0/
    sudo docker build -t stand/docker_deeppavlov:cuda-9.0 deeppavlov/cuda_9.0/
  5. Build DeepPavlov Jupyter server Docker images:

    sudo docker build -t stand/docker_cuda:9.0 cuda/cuda_9.0/
    sudo docker build -t stand/docker_deeppavlov:cuda-9.0 deeppavlov/cuda_9.0/
    sudo docker build -t stand/docker_deeppavlov_jupyter:cuda-9.0 deeppavlov/cuda_9.0_jupyter/

    Run DeepPavlov Jupyter server:

    sudo docker run -p 8888:8888 stand/docker_deeppavlov_jupyter:cuda-9.0


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