Demo stand. Model: NER ontonotes (English)

Installation and start

  1. Clone the repo and cd to project root:
    git clone
    cd stand_ner_en_ontonotes
  2. Run script to download and unpack model components:
  3. Create a virtual environment with Python 3.6:
    virtualenv env -p python3.6
  4. Activate the environment:
    source ./env/bin/activate
  5. Install requirements:
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  6. Specify model endpoint host (api_host) and port (api_port) in ner_agent_config.json
  7. Specify virtual environment path (if necessary) in
  8. Run model:

Building and running with Docker:

  1. If necessary, build Base Docker image from:

  2. Clone the repo and cd to project root:

    git clone
    cd stand_ner_en_ontonotes
  3. Build Docker image:

    sudo docker build -t stand/ner_en_ontonotes .
  4. Run Docker image:

    sudo docker run -p <host_port>:6010 -v </path/to/host/vol/map/dir>:/logs stand/ner_en_ontonotes