
Assessment360 aims to revolutionize assignment management by making it simple, efficient, and meaningful for all stakeholders. Our solution is designed to help educational institutions gain a competitive edge.

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Assessment360 aims to revolutionize assignment management by making it simple, efficient, and meaningful for all stakeholders. Our solution is designed to help educational institutions gain a competitive edge.

Deployed live at : Assessment360


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/Abhishek-Mallick/Assessment360.git
    cd Assessment360
  2. Set up MongoDB:

    • Make sure MongoDB is installed and running on your machine or you can use my mongo db test url.

    • Create a .env file in the root directory with the following content:



      MONGO_URL = "mongodb+srv://<username>:<password>@<clusterName>.<clusterID>.mongodb.net/?retryWrites=true&w=majority"
  3. Set up Enviornment Variables

    • Create a .env file on the base of the directory. On the .env file add the variables:
      MAIL_SERVER="" (eg: smtp.gmail.com)

Running the Application

  1. Setting up Virtual Enviornment (venv)
 python -m venv venv
  1. Installing dependencies
 pip install -r "requirements.txt"
  1. Creating super_user
 python manage.py createsuperuser"
  1. Running the Application
 python manage.py makemigrations
 python manage.py migrate 
 python manage.py runserver

Default Logins and Passwords

Type UserId Password
Faculty 202 pass@123
Student 402 pass@123


Admin (super_user)

Method Endpoint Description Request Body Response Body
POST /admin/register Register a new Admin JSON: {name,priority} JSON: {token,user,admin_id}
GET /admin/:id Get Admin details NULL JSON: {admin}


Method Endpoint Description Query Headers Request Body Response Body
GET /student/assignment Get all Assignemnts of the Student of all courses priority, status, due_date, page, limit Authorization: student_id N/A JSON: {docs,totalDocs,page,limit,totalPages}
POST /student/update-assign Create a new Assignment for Student under a Course N/A Authorization: student_id JSON: {title,description,due_date,pdf_location} JSON: {task,assign_id}
DELETE /api/task/:task_id Soft Delete Assignment for Student N/A Authorization: student_id N/A JSON: {task,assign_id}

Sub Tasks

Method Endpoint Description Query Headers Request Body Response Body
GET /discussion Get all Discussion of the User task_id Authorization: stud_id N/A JSON: {subTasks}
GET /tests Get all tests allocated to the User stud_id Authorization: stud_id N/A JSON: {subTasks}
POST /tests/update Create a new submit for test by Student under Course N/A Authorization: stud_id JSON: {task_id} JSON: {subTask,test_id}
DELETE /tests/:test_id Delete test for student by faculty stud_id Authorization: stud_id N/A JSON: {subTask,test_id}

Webapp Preview





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