
Rail 6.x blog app too get ruby/rails muscle memory into shape

Primary LanguageRuby


Building a rails 6.x example app TDD style

  • Ruby version
    • ruby 2.7.1 or later
  • System dependencies
    • Gemfile, summary:
      • standard gems for a v6 rails app
      • add figaro gem for env config
      • add rails-rspec gem for test support
      • add rails-controller-testing gem for rails controller tests
  • Configuration
    • Using figaro env configuration, using (not commited) config/application.yml or env variables
  AB_DATABASE_PASSWORD: <elided, same as below>
  AB_DATABASE_HOST: localhost
  • Database creation (postgresql) via SQL script:
    • The database may be run out of docker or on current host (or change host above)
  create role abadmin createdb createrole;
  create user abuser createdb inherit password '<elided, same as above>';
  grant abadmin to abuser;
  alter role abadmin set client_encoding to 'utf8';
  alter role abadmin set default_transaction_isolation to 'read committed';
  alter role abadmin set timezone to 'UTC';
  • Database initialization
  rake db:create
  rake db:migrate
  • How to run the test suite
  rake spec
  • Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)
  not yet
  • Deployment instructions
  not yet