
Deutsche Telekom Assignment: Image Search App (MVVM, Room, ViewModel, LiveData)

Primary LanguageJava


Image search app using MVVM pattern, Room ORM
APK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CCN1U5mLpY0tt0Ki9FbE6FqNXismlUa_/view?usp=sharing





  • Search images by entering the keywork (uses Microsoft Azure Congitive Services Bing Image Search API)
  • Supports pagination (fetch results in group of 20)
  • Caching: Stores previous search results into SQLite using Room ORM.
  • So, if a search result exists, it can be fetched from local DB. No need to re-hit the API.
  • After MAX_ROWS limit is reached, oldest record will be deleted. Otherwise App's cache size will go on increasing.
  • API keys are stored natively (JNI) rather than hardcoding it in a constant in java file.
  • Grid size can be changed (2 column, 3 column, 4 column)
  • Bonus #1: Shared Element transition animation when any list item is clicked

Components Used