
BetterDoctor's golang standard library

Primary LanguageGo


kit is BetterDoctor's Golang standard library.

Design Philosophy

Packages must be purposeful, usable, and portable.

  • To be purposeful, packages must provide, not contain.
    • Packages must be named with the intent to describe what it provides.
    • Packages must not become a dumping ground of disparate concerns.
  • To be usable, packages must be designed with the user as their focus.
    • Packages must be intuitive and simple to use.
    • Packages must respect their impact on resources and performance.
    • Packages must protect the user's application from cascading changes.
    • Packages must prevent the need for type assertions to the concrete.
    • Packages must reduce, minimize and simplify its code base.
  • To be portable, packages must be designed with reusability in mind.
    • Packages must aspire for the highest level of portability.
    • Packages must reduce taking on opinions when it's reasonable and practical.
    • Packages must not become a single point of dependency.

The above borrowed from Ardan Labs Go Training