
send emails from node.js through sendgrid

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This is a node.js module we use for sending emails through sendgrid. At the moment it uses node_mailer (npm install mailer)


var sendgrid = require("sendgrid");

// sendgrid credentials
var sendgrid.setup["username"] = "<SENDGRID_USERNAME>";
var sendgrid.setup["password"] = "<SENDGRID_PASSWORD>";

// define a message with to, from, subject, and body
var msg = {
  to: "dude@place.com",
  from: "guy@overhere.com",
  subject: "Foo, you owe me money",
  body: "Got nothing to say to you."

// pass message to send, that's it
sendgrid.send(msg, function(err) {
  // do whatever

Try it

npm install mailer get a sendgrid account and run the example with your credentials

node example.js