
Let's Annotate Everything: (Built in 24-hours at the Twitter Hackfest 2010 with a team of cool people)

Primary LanguageRuby

                                   _____   _______   _______  _______
    ____ ______    ____    ____   /  _  \  \      \  \      \ |      \
   /  _ \\____ \ _/ __ \  /    \ /  /_\  \ /   |   \ /   |   \   []   \
  (  <_> )  |_> >\  ___/ |   |  |    |    |    |    |    |    |        \
   \____/|   __/  \___  >|___|  |____|__  |____|__  |____|__  |________/
         |__|         \/      \/        \/        \/        \/

Twitter Hackfest Project

Built in 24-hours at the Twitter Hackfest 2010

How It Works

Sign up for an API key and:

curl -i -X POST -d '[{"example_type":{"awesome_factor":"10"}}]' \

Congratulations! You have just posted an annotation.

Now this should be no problem:

curl http://openanno.com/api/some_object

As you can see we are annotating the object with an array of a hash of hashes. We use exactly the same data model that Twitter annotations use.

Facebook Tunnel

While logged into Facebook, point your browser to http://graph.facebook.com/me. Take note of the "id" field in the returned JSON.

curl http://openanno.com/fb/{your_id}

# and POST
curl -i -X POST -d '[{"example_type":{"awesome_factor":"10"}}]' http://openanno.com/api/fb_{your_id}

This posts an annotation to your Facebook profile. Note the fb_ prefix in the id. This is our convention to identify facebook ids.

Now: curl http://openanno.com/fb/{your_id} will contain the annotations you added.
