
A clojure wrapper of JTS, implements Simple Feature Specification of OGC

Primary LanguageClojure

Build Status Dependency Status


A clojure library wraps JTS, implements Simple Feature Specification(OGC). cljts provides a set of clojure API to manipulate geometry objects, includes:

  • Create SFS qualified geometry objects: Point, LineString, Polygon and more
  • Spatial relationship (DE9-IM)
  • Spatial analysis
  • IO, Serialization (WKB & WKT)



[org.clojars.diogok/cljts "0.5.0"]


Check API documents.



Creating common JTS geometry objects:

(use 'cljts.geom)

;; Point
(point (c 20 30))

;; LineString
(line-string [(c 20 30) (c 20 40)])

;; LinearRing
(linear-ring [(c 20 40) (c 20 46) (c 34 56) (c 20 40)])

;; Polygon without holes
(polygon (linear-ring [(c 20 40) (c 20 46) (c 34 56) (c 20 40)]) nil)

;; Polygon with a hole
  (linear-ring [(c 20 30) (c 30 40) (c 40 55) (c 20 30)])
  [(linear-ring [(c 22 28) (c 28 42) (c 38 50) (c 22 28)])])

Test spatial relationship between geometry objects. (Based on DE9-IM)

(use 'cljts.relation)

(touches? l1 l2)
(within? p p2)
;; ...
;; get DE9-IM string
(relation p1 p2)

Test spatial relationship using prepared geometries. Please see this blog post for details on prepared geometries. Please note that prepared geometry should be the first argument for a relationship function.

(use 'cljts.prep)
(def prepared-polygon (prepare (polygon (linear-ring [(c 20 40) (c 20 46) (c 34 56) (c 20 40)]) nil)))
(contains? prepared-polygon point)

Basic spatial analysis functions:

(use 'cljts.analysis)
(buffer p 20)
;; ...

Serialize geometry objects to Well-Known Text and Well-Known Binary format:

(use 'cljts.io)
(write-wkt g)
(write-wkb-bytes data)
(read-wkt some-reader)


(use 'cljts.transform)
(def projected
 (reproject (point (c 10.10 20.20)) "EPSG:4326" "EPSG:23032"))

Affine transformations:

(use 'cljts.transform)
(def rotate-clockwise
           (transformation [(c 0 0) (c 1 0) (c 0 1)
                            (c 0 0) (c 0 1) (c -1 0)]))
(def rotate-counterclockwise
           (inverse-transformation [(c 0 0) (c 1 0) (c 0 1)
                                    (c 0 0) (c 0 1) (c -1 0)]))
(rotate-clockwise (line-string [(c 0 0) (c 2 2)]))
;;; user> #<LineString LINESTRING (0 0, -2 2)>
(rotate-counterclockwise (line-string [(c 0 0) (c 2 2)]))
;;; user> #<LineString LINESTRING (0 0, 2 -2)>



Copyright (C) 2012 Sun Ning

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.