Small and simple JavaScript library for client-side routing.
Router works fine in Internet Explorer >=6, Firefox >= 3, Opera, Chrome, Safari. This library is compatible with AMD and CommonJS modules. Also can be exported to global var.
# Using jam
jam install router
# Using bower
bower install js-router
// set a prefix if needed
var router = new Router('!');
.when('/', function () {
// this.request === {}
.when('/hello/:name', function (name) {
// for url /hello/john
// name === 'john'
// this.request === { 'name': 'john' }
// we can get request values as arguments
// or we can use this.request from Route context
.when('/hello/:name.:surname', function (name, surname) {
// for url /hello/
// name === 'john'
// surname === 'do'
// this.request === { 'name': 'john', 'surname': 'do' }
// otherwise function haven't route context, so this.request will be undefined
.otherwise(function () {
// this.request === undefined