
The Viterbi algorithm is tagging algorithm based on TRIGRAM HIDDEN MARKOV MODELS (TRIGRAM HMMS)

Primary LanguagePython


The Viterbi algorithm is tagging algorithm based on TRIGRAM HIDDEN MARKOV MODELS (TRIGRAM HMMS) To improve upon the Viterbi algorithm,i.e. to handle rare and unseen words I have created 4 new classes of words 'RARE','ALLCAPS','NUMERIC' and 'LASTCAP' in addition to the already present 'O' and 'I-GENE'.Words appearing less than 5 times are classified depending on 'ALLCAPS','NUMERIC' and 'LASTCAP'.If a word appears less than 5 times and does not belong to any of the previous mentioned 3 classes then it is classified as 'RARE'. This creation of different word classes hepls to improve the Viterbi algorithm.