
Selenium WebDriver Wrapper

Primary LanguageJava


WebDriverWrapper is a Selenium Webdriver Wrapper helps to build robust & adaptive test automation project in a fast pace. It contains:

  • WebDriverWrapper: A Webdriver Factory lets you easily create webdrivers with different capabilities.
  • Operation: A high-level abstraction of basic webdriver methods makes you manipulate and interact with DOM elements in a convenient and robust way.
  • BasePage: Adopt the concept of Page-Object to implement your automation project, and it has Operation object as a member variable, so dealing with DOM elements in this Page-Object is a piece of cake.
  • Utility Tools: Some tools you could find it helpful when you're writing your automation project. Like dealing with String, Number, Files and so on.


Getting Started

To get a Git project into your build:

Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file

Take Gradle for example. Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

Step 2. Add the dependency

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.deersheep330:WebDriverWrapper:-SNAPSHOT'

Basic Examples


  • Get WebDriverWrapper instance

WebDriverWrapper is a singleton.

WebDriverWrapper wrapper = WebDriverWrapper.getInstance();
  • Get Chrome driver runs on your local machine

WebDriverWrapper has built-in Chrome driver.

WebDriver driver = wrapper.getWebDriver("Chrome");
  • Get Chrome Mobile Emulation driver runs on your local machine

WebDriverWrapper has built-in ChromeMobileEmulation driver.

WebDriver driver = wrapper.getWebDriver("ChromeMobileEmulation");
  • Get IE driver runs on your local machine

WebDriverWrapper has built-in IE driver.

WebDriver driver = wrapper.getWebDriver("IE");
  • Get a customized driver runs on your local machine

If you'd like to create your own customized driver, you can implement the WebDriverSettingAbility interface, and override the getCapabilities() method to setup the capabilities (options) you want, and override the getName() method to specify a name to this customized driver so you can create this driver by this name later.

wrapper.addWebDriverSetting(new WebDriverSettingAbility() {
    public Capabilities getCapabilities() {
        SafariOptions options = new SafariOptions();
        options.setCapability("your_custom_setting", yourCustomSetting);
        return options;

    public String getName() {
        return "CustomSafari";

WebDriver driver = wrapper.getWebDriver("CustomSafari");
  • Get a (remote) driver runs on a remote node

The { node-name: node-address } mappings should be added into WebDriverWrapper so it can create the remote driver for you.

wrapper.addRemoteNode("remote-safari-on-mac", "");
wrapper.addRemoteNode("remote-chrome-on-win", "");

WebDriver remoteSafariDriver = wrapper.getWebDriver("CustomSafari", "remote-safari-on-mac");
WebDriver remoteChromeDriver = wrapper.getWebDriver("Chrome", "remote-chrome-on-win");
  • Get a driver using BrowserMob to intercept http requests and running on your local machine

For more details about BrowserMob, please visit its github. Currently, WebDriverWrapper only create BrowserMob driver running on a local machine, if you know how to setup BrowserMob so it can run on a remote node, please kindly let me know :)

WebDriver driver = wrapper.getHttpRequestsInterceptionChromeDriver();


  • Create a new Operation object

You can explicitly create an Operation object, but actually it's not necessary. If you let your page object extend BasePage, it already has Operation member variable built-in.

Explicitly create a new Operation:

Operation op = new Operation(driver);

Or just extends BasePage:

public abstract class BasePage {

    protected Operation op;

    public BasePage(WebDriver driver) {
        this.op = new Operation(driver);

public class MainPage extends BasePage {
    // ......
  • Use methods provided by Operation

To use methods provided by Operation, you should wrap the DOM elements you'd like to interact with into an Element object. Element class has only 2 fields: the identifier (name) and the Xpath of this DOM element.

public class Element {


    public Element(String name, String xpath) {
        this.name = name;
        this.xpath = xpath;



It could be convenient to store all the Elements you will use into a HashMap.

Map<String, Element> elements = new HashMap<>();
elements.put(elementName, new Element(elementName, elementXpath)));

Also, BasePage has built-in map to store Elements and provide methods to easily set/access Elements in this map.

public abstract class BasePage {

    protected Map<String, Element> elements = new HashMap<>();

    protected void addElement(String name, String xpath) {
        elements.put(name, new Element(name, xpath));

    protected Element getElement(String name) { return elements.get(name); }



Examples below assume your page objects extend BasePage so you can use the Operation object and Element-related methods provided by it.

  • Click an element

Click an element. If the element isn't clickable because it's not present, it would retry several times. If the element still not present so not clickable, an exception would be thrown.

  • Click an element and wait for another element

Click an element and expect another element to be displayed, if the expected element isn't present, it would retry several times. If the expected element still not present, an exception would be thrown.

op.clickAndWait(getElement("MyButton"), getElement("TriggeredElement"));
  • Click an element with offset and wait for another element

Click an element with offset and expect another element to be displayed, if the expected element isn't present, it would retry several times. If the expected element still not present, an exception would be thrown. It could be useful if you're dealing with SVG elements.

op.clickWithOffsetAndWait(getElement("MySvgElement"), 10, 30, getElement("TriggeredSvgElement"));
  • Hover an element and wait for another element

Hover an element and expect another element to be displayed, if the expected element isn't present, it would retry several times. If the expected element still not present, an exception would be thrown.

op.hoverAndWait(getElement("MyText"), getElement("TriggeredTooltip"));
  • Hover an element with offset and wait for another element

Hover an element with offset and expect another element to be displayed, if the expected element isn't present, it would retry several times. If the expected element still not present, an exception would be thrown. It could be useful if you're dealing with SVG elements.

op.hoverWithOffsetAndWait(getElement("MySvgElement"), 10, 30, getElement("TriggeredSvgElement"));
  • Test if an element is present or not

Test if an element is present or not for a certain timeout. Which means if the target element not found, it would retry several times before return.

boolean found = op.tryToFind(getElement("GDPRModal"));

Test of an element is present or not. This method would return immediately.

boolean found = op.isExist(getElement("GDPRModal"));
  • Wait for an element

Wait for an element being present, if it's not present, an exception would be thrown.

  • Send text to an input box or textarea


  • BasePage is the parent page object for other page objects to extend

It has Operation object as a member variable, HashMap for storing web elements, and convenient methods to set/get elements in the HashMap.

public abstract class BasePage {

    protected WebDriver driver;
    protected Operation op;
    protected Map<String, Element> elements = new HashMap<>();
    protected String url;

    public BasePage(WebDriver driver) {
        this.driver = driver;
        this.op = new Operation(this.driver);

    protected void addElement(String name, String xpath) {
        elements.put(name, new Element(name, xpath));

    protected Element getElement(String name) { return elements.get(name); }

    public void navigate() {
        if (url == null) throw new RuntimeException("url is null! please set it in constructor or using setUrl method.");


  • Implement your own page object by extending BasePage
public class LoginPage extends Basepage {

    LoginPage(WebDriver driver) {

        url = "http://my-site.com/login";

        addElement("LoginButton", "xpath-for-login-button");
        addElement("LoginForm", "xpath-for-login-form");
        addElement("EmailInput", "xpath-for-email-input");
        addElement("PasswordInput", "xpath-for-password-input");
        addElement("Submit", "xpath-for-submit");

    public void login(String email, String password) {
        op.clickAndWait(getElement("LoginButton"), getElement("LoginForm"));
        op.sendText(getElement("EmailInput"), email);
        op.sendText(getElement("PasswordInput"), password);


Detailed API Docs


API Description
getInstance Get WebDriverWrapper singleton
setPageLoadTimeoutInSec Change webdriver page load timeout. It's 60 sec by default.
addWebDriverSetting Add a customized webdriver setting to create a customized webdriver later
addRemoteNode Add a remote node setting into the WebDriverWrapper to create a remote webdriver for this remote node later
getCurrentActiveWebDriverSettingList Get the list of WebDriverSettings in this WebDriverWrapper
getCurrentActiveRemoteNodeList Get the list of remote nodes in this WebDriverWrapper
getWebDriver(String webDriverSettingName, String remoteNodeName) Get RemoteWebDriver for the specific setting and connect to the remote node
getWebDriver(String webDriverSettingName) Get WebDriver runs on local machine without standalone selenium server
getHttpRequestsInterceptionChromeDriver Use BrowserMob to intercept http requests so we can get details of the headers/payloads of every requests. Only work when browser = Chrome and Machine = Local


  • Check browser type
API Description
isIE Test current webdriver is an IEDriver or not
  • Change default setting
API Description
setTargetElementWaitTimeoutInSec Set target element wait timeout
setWaitForElementWaitTimeoutInSec Set waitFor element wait timeout
  • "Click and hold" method group
API Description
clickAndHold Click and hold "target" element and no need to wait for anything
clickAndHoldWithOffset Click and hold "target" element with offset and no need to wait for anything
clickAndHoldAndWait Click and hold "target" element and wait for "waitFor" element
clickAndHoldWithOffsetAndWait Click and hold "target" element with offset and wait for "waitFor" element
clickAndHoldAndWait Click and hold "target" element and wait for "waitFor" element with customized timeout
clickAndHoldWithOffsetAndWait Click and hold "target" element with offset and wait for "waitFor" element with customized timeout
release Release "target" element after "click and hold"
  • "Hover" method group
API Description
hover Hover "target" element and no need to wait for anything
hoverWithOffset Hover "target" element with offset and no need to wait for anything
hoverAndWait Hover "target" element and wait for "waitFor" element
hoverWithOffsetAndWait Hover "target" element with offset and wait for "waitFor" element
hoverAndWait Hover "target" element and wait for "waitFor" element with customized timeout
hoverWithOffsetAndWait Hover "target" element with offset and wait for "waitFor" element with customized timeout
  • "Right click" method group
API Description
contextClick Right click "target" element and no need to wait for anything
contextClickWithOffset Right click "target" element with offset and no need to wait for anything
contextClickAndWait Right click "target" element and wait for "waitFor" element
contextClickWithOffsetAndWait Right click "target" element with offset and wait for "waitFor" element
contextClickAndWait Right click "target" element and wait for "waitFor" element with customized timeout
contextClickWithOffsetAndWait Right click "target" element with offset and wait for "waitFor" element with customized timeout
  • "Click" method group
API Description
click Click "target" element and no need to wait for anything
clickWithOffset Click "target" element with offset and no need to wait for anything
clickAndWait Click "target" element and wait for "waitFor" element
clickWithOffsetAndWait Click "target" element with offset and wait for "waitFor" element
clickAndWait Click "target" element and wait for "waitFor" element with customized timeout
clickWithOffsetAndWait Click "target" element with offset and wait for "waitFor" element with customized timeout
clickAndWaitUntilDisappear Click "target" element and wait for "waitFor" element disappearing
clickWithOffsetAndWaitUntilDisappear Click "target" element with offset and wait for "waitFor" element disappearing
clickAndWaitUntilDisappear Click "target" element and wait for "waitFor" element disappearing with customized timeout
clickWithOffsetAndWaitUntilDisappear Click "target" element with offset and wait for "waitFor" element disappearing with customized timeout
  • Check for existence
API Description
isExist Check "target" element is displayed or not
tryToFind Test "target" element is exist or not. If "target" is exist, return true, else if "target" isn't exist, return false. No exception would be thrown
waitFor Wait for "waitFor" element. If it's not found after timeout, an exception would be thrown
  • Get WebElement(s)
API Description
findElement Get single WebElement
findElements Get list of WebElements
  • Send text or select
API Description
sendText Send text to InputBox or TextArea
dragAndDropFile Drag and drop a file into a FileArea
selectDropdownMenuOptionByValue Select dropdown menu option by value
  • WebDriver navigation or reload
API Description
navigateTo Webdriver navigate to url
reloadPage Webdriver reload page
  • Tab-related operations
API Description
IsNewTabBeingOpened Check if a new tab being opened
switchToFirstNewlyOpenedTab Switch to the first newly opened tab
closeNewlyOpenedTabs close newly opened tab
getCurrentUrl get current url
getCurrentOpenedTabsCount Get current opened tabs count
getCurrentOpenedTabsSet Get current opened tabs handles
switchToTab Switch to another tab according to handle
saveCurrentTabAsDefaultTab Save current tab as default tab
getDefaultTabHandle Get default tab handle
  • Click alert
API Description
clickAlertOK Click alert OK
  • Iframe-related operations
API Description
switchToIframe Switch to Iframe
switchFromIframeToMainHTML Switch back from Iframe to main content
  • Scroll-related operations
API Description
scrollWindowTo Scroll window to the specified offset
scrollToElement Scroll to element (align start)
scrollToElementAlignCenter Scroll to element (align center)
  • Webdriver quit
API Description
quitAndCloseBrowser Call driver.quit() to close browser
  • LoggingPrefs-related operations
API Description
getResponseFromLoggingPrefs Get response of a specific request url according to keywords. Only works for Chrome driver with loggingPrefs enabled
searchForRequestUrlFromLoggingPrefs Search for request url according to keywords. Only works for Chrome driver with loggingPrefs enabled
getAllRequestUrlsFromLoggingPrefs Get all request urls from logs.
resetLoggingPrefs Reset loggingPrefs. All old logs would be discard.
enableSaveCookieFromLoggingPrefs Save cookie in Operation instance. Only works for Chrome driver with loggingPrefs enabled
saveSpecialHeader Save specific header in Operation instance. Only works for Chrome driver with loggingPrefs enabled
  • Thread.sleep
API Description
sleep Sleep for millis
  • WebDriver screenshot
API Description
screenshot Screenshot
screenshotAndEmbedInCucumberReport Screenshot and embed in Cucumber report


API Description
addElement Store the element in the HashMap of BasePage
getElement Get the element from the HashMap
setUrl Set url for this page
getUrl Get url for this page
navigate Navigate to url
getOperation Get Operation instance

Utility Tools

  • Number-related functions
API Description
NumberTool.findIntFromString Find integer from string
NumberTool.parseIntFromString Parse integer from string
  • String-related functions
API Description
StringTool.replaceTextInFile Replace all specific text in a file
  • XLSX-related functions
API Description
XlsxTool.getWorkbookFromHttpURLConnection Get Xlsx Workbook from HttpUrlConnection
XlsxTool.getDefaultSheetFromWorkbook Get default sheet from workbook
XlsxTool.getRowCountOfSheet Get row count of sheet

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