This project follows the FreeCodeCamp's Javascript ES6 course.
The course goes over the new features of ES6/JavaScript ie. arrow functions, destructuring, classes, promises, and modules.
ECMAScript/ES is a standardized version of JavaScript.
- Compare Scopes of the var and let Keywords: 001.js
- Mutate an Array Declared with const: 002.js
- Prevent Object Mutation: 003.js
- Use Arrow Functions to Write Concise Anonymous Functions: 004.js
- Write Arrow Functions with Parameters: 005.js
- Set Default Parameters for Your Functions: 006.js
- Use the Rest Parameter with Function Parameters: 007.js
- Use the Spread Operator to Evaluate Arrays In-Place: 008.js
- Use Destructuring Assignment to Extract Values from Objects: 009.js
- Use Destructuring Assignment to Assign Variables from Objects: 010.js
- Use Destructing Assignment to Assign Variables from Nested Objects: 011.js
- Use Destructuring Assignment to Assign Variables from Arrays: 012.js
- Destructuring via rest elements 013.js
- Use Destructuring Assignment to Pass an Object as a Function's Parameters: 014.js
- Create Strings using Template Literals: 015.js
- Write Concise Object Literal Declatations Using Object Property Shorthand: 016.js
- Write Concise Declarative Functions with ES6: 017.js
- Use class Syntax to Define a Constructor Function: 018.js
- Use getters and setters to Control Access to an Object: 019.js
- Create a Module Script: 020.js
- Use export to Share a Code Block: 021.js
- Reuse JavaScript Code Using Import: 022.js
- Use* to Import Everything from a File: 023.js
- Create an Export Fallback with export default 024.js
- Import a Default Export 025.js
- Create a JavaScript Promise 026.js
- Complete a Promise with resolve and reject 027.js
- Handle a Fulfilled Promise with then 028.js
- Handle a Rejected Promise with catch 029.js