
Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

Pico Rust Programming Example

A small test project to play around with Rust and it’s PIOs.

It is designed to measure distance with a HC-SR04 and print the results in cms via RTT.


I’m using the Pico-as-Picoprobe setup, see https://reltech.substack.com/p/getting-started-with-rust-on-a-raspberry

To establish an OCD connection, run ./run-openocd.sh in a shell.

Compile and upload

Just the usual cargo build and then cargo run

Run these via GDB:

monitor rp2040.core0 rtt setup 0x2003fbc0 0x30 "SEGGER RTT"
monitor rtt start
monitor rtt server start 3334 0

Run this to decode:

nc localhost 3334 | ./target/debug/defmt-print -e /home/deets/projects/private/hc-sr04-experiments/target/thumbv6m-none-eabi/debug/hc-sr04-experiments