
This is an implementation of a linux shell. Built-ins include ls, help, history, exit, jobs, kill, bg and fg. Shell supports piping and I/O redirection.

Primary LanguageC++


List of built-in commands: cd, help, history, exit, jobs, kill, bg and fg


cd: cd <path to directory(absolute/relative)>(changes current directory to the one specified)

help: help(shows the shell's manual)

history: history(shows the list of previously used commands) !n command can be used to run the nth event stored in history(n can be positve or negative)

exit: exit(terminates the shell, there shouldn't be any background processes for the shell to terminate)

jobs: jobs(shows the list of background processes)

kill: kill %n/ kill pid n is the job number assigned to a background process that can be viewed using the command jobs, pid is the process id of the particular process you want to kill

Ctrl+C can be used to kill a foreground process running on shell

Ctrl+Z can be used to send a foreground process to background and stops it

bg %n can be used to start a stopped process in the background, where n is the job number

fg %n can be used to bring a background process to foreground, where n is the job number

command_1 | command_2 can be used to pipe the output of first process as the input of the second one