Cell type specific analyses

This repository contains an RMarkdown document including a "complete" version with full R code to perform to identify disease-relevant Substantia nigra (SN) cell types across 33 diseases and traits with LDSCORE


This repository contains R data object and RMarkdown documents that can be used for the analysis of the datasets.

R Data objects:

  • TPM expression matrix and the SN cell types identified: Devika_midbrain.Rdata
  • t-statistic results generated for each gene for different cell type in the SN: Mid_t_test.Rdata

Rmd file:

There is RMarkdown document including a "complete" version with full R code.

  • Data analysis: LDSCORE_Analysis_SN.Rmd


You will need to download here and install LDSCORE software here: https://github.com/bulik/ldsc

R packages

You will need to have the following R packages installed: biomaRt,reshape2. We will use the development versions of the Bioconductor packages.

## try http:// if https:// URLs are not supported
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))

Useful Resources