
exercises for TA - web bootcamp Barcelona oct-dev 2015

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Ironhack Exercises

Web Developer Bootcamp Oct - Dec 2015

Exercises are divided into four sections according to pre-work website. Below each sections you have work directories with their website description.

  1. Section 1: Getting Started (Git...)

    1. Exercise Git
  2. Section 2: Ruby

    1. Exercise1/ Exercise - Copy file
    2. Exercise2/ Random Exercise
    3. Exercise3/ Exercise - FizzBuzz
    4. Exercise4/ Exercise - Word Sorting
    5. Exercise5/ Exercise - Ceasar's Cypher
    6. Exercise6/ Exercise - Shake Shack
    7. Exercise7/ Exercise - Shopping Cart
  3. Section 3: HTML and CSS

    1. Exercise1/ Exercise - 'About' page
    2. Exercise2/ Exercise - A site for a movie
    3. Exercise3/ Exercise - Google clone
  4. Section 4: Javascript

    1. Exercise1/ Your first JS code - comparison operators
    2. Exercise2/ Your first JS code - for loop ("lalala")
    3. Exercise3/ Your first JS code - functions ("blast off")
    4. Exercise4/ Your first JS code - objects exercise
    5. Exercise5/ First JS exercises
    6. Exercise6/ Exercise - Quiz time!
    7. Exercise7/ The art of debugging
    8. Exercise8/ Exercise - Mars Rover kata
    9. Exercise9/ DOM Exercise: To-Do List