
A toolkit for building on-chain SVG projects.


Demo of hot-chain-svg. The user is editing a Solidity file, and as they save it the resulting SVG is updated

Getting started

Feel free to clone the repo and tune it for your own needs. The codebase tries to be self-contained and only depends on NodeJS. You can integrate it with Hardhat and Foundry-based projects.

$ git clone
$ cd hot-chain-svg
$ yarn

Hot Reloading

$ yarn start

Open the URL (http://localhost:9901). Every time you change Renderer.sol, the webpage will automatically refresh. Use Chrome DevTools to inspect the page.

Visual QA

$ yarn qa

This will render 256 tokens into a temporary folder. It will also check the resulting SVG for syntax errors. Open the folder and view the resulting files. Feel free to edit src/qa.js.

React-inspired API

You'll notice there's SVG.sol inside the contracts folder. The idea is to provide a React-inspired API, tailored to SVG graphics. It's not complete. You don't have to use it to benefit from hot reloading and visual QA script.

Under the hood

hot-chain-svg uses solc to compile Solidity files. Then, it deploys it to a local VM instance (powered by @ethereumjs/vm) and calls the example function. The resulting SVG image is served via the built-in HTTP server.

The tool also watches the files in contracts for changes. When it detects a change, it sends an event to the browser via EventSource subscription, which causes the page to reload.


Check out GitHub issues and feel free to send a PR. The codebase tries to stick to vanilla JS and minimum dependencies, there are more interesting things in the world than fighting TypeScript and ES6 modules.


Built by @w1nt3r_eth and @tylerangert. This project was extracted from Watchfaces.World.

Project from Watchfaces.World