
Encrypt and store data using the keystore APIs.

Primary LanguageJava

Android Secure Storage

Library Build Status Codacy Badge

This is a simple library that lets you encrypt and decrypt data/text. Android's keystore system is used to store cryptographic keys in a container to make it more difficult to extract from the device. The key material is non-exportable. The keystore system is used instead of the KeyChain API, because this library does not intend to allow system-wide credential storage, allowing multiple apps to access the keys. This library is single-app use only.

You should have a relatively good understanding of RxJava before using this library.

Gradle Dependency


The Gradle dependency is available via jCenter. jCenter is the default Maven repository used by Android Studio.


dependencies {
	// ... other dependencies here
    compile 'com.afollestad:android-secure-storage:0.0.1'

Instance Creation

RxSecureStorage secureStorage =
    RxSecureStorage.create(this, "alias_name")

The create method takes a Context and an alias. An alias can encrypt and decrypt data, another alias cannot encrypt/decrypt the same data successfully. An alias is not a password, think of it as the name of an entry in a keychain which stores generated encryption keys.

Using the same alias name across different devices would not result in shared encryption keys.


    .encryptString("string to encrypt")
    .subscribe(result -> {
        // Use the resulting string
    error -> {
        // Handle error

You can replace .encryptString(String) with .encrypt(byte[]) also.

It's not recommended, but you can perform thread-blocking encryption also:

String result = secureStorage
    .encryptString("string to encrypt")


    .subscribe(result -> {
        // Use the resulting string
    error -> {
        // Handle error

You can replace .decryptString(String) with .decrypt(byte[]) also.

It's not recommended, but you can perform thread-blocking decryption also:

String result = secureStorage

Value Persistence

You can save encrypted data in local secure storage:

secureStorage.putString("key", "hello, world!").subscribe();

And retrieve it later:

        latest -> {
          // preference was changed, here's the latest decryped value

Retrievla returns an observable, which receives emissions with every put. You should manage the subscription to this observable on your end and unsubscribe when necessary.