
Ansible role which Installs and manages Prometheus server, Alertmanager, PushGateway, and Prometheus exporters

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Installs and manages Prometheus server, Alertmanager, PushGateway, and numerous Prometheus exporters

This role was designed to allow adding new exporters with ease. Regular releases ensure it always provides the latest Prometheus software.

This role can register client exporters with the Prometheus server/s automatically (see tgroup management below).


  • Ansible >= 2.5.1
  • Facts must be gathered (gather_facts: true)

Supported Software and Operating Systems

Supported Operating Systems, Distributions, and Architectures

This module is intended to support as many distributions and architectures as possible. The following table specifies which combinations are currently tested. Most exporters will also work on ARM architectures:

OS Release Architectures
Alpine 3.2 through 3.10, edge x86_64 (amd64)
AmazonLinux 1 and 2 x86_64 (amd64)
ArchLinux Current x86_64 (amd64)
Enterprise Linux 6, 7, 8 x86_64 (amd64)
Fedora 20 through 31, rawhide x86_64 (amd64)
Gentoo (openrc) Current x86_64 (amd64)
Gentoo (systemd) Current x86_64 (amd64)
OpenSUSE 13.1 through tumbleweed x86_64 (amd64)
Oracle Linux 6, 7, 8 x86_64 (amd64)
Ubuntu 16.04 through 20.04 x86_64 (amd64)

Supported Prometheus software

The following core Prometheus software is supported in addition to the list of exporters below. This software is fully tested on all supported OS, distributions, and architectures.

Prometheus software Usage Author CI tested
prometheus usage prometheus Yes
alertmanager usage prometheus Yes
push_gateway usage prometheus Yes

Supported exporters

All exporters are verified to install. Currently select modules receive testing via CI (Continuous Integration) and Inspec

Exporter Usage Author CI tested
389ds_exporter_terrycain usage terrycain Yes
apache_exporter_lusitaniae usage Lusitaniae Yes
bigip_exporter_expressenab usage ExpressenAB Yes
bind_exporter_digitalocean usage digitalocean Yes
blackbox_exporter usage prometheus Yes
cloudwatch_exporter usage prometheus Yes
collectd_exporter usage prometheus Yes
consul_exporter usage prometheus Yes
couchbase_exporter_blakelead usage leansys-team Yes
couchdb_exporter_gesellix usage gesellix Yes
digitalocean_exporter_metalmatze usage metalmatze Yes
elasticsearch_exporter_justwatchcom usage justwatchcom Yes
gluster_exporter_ofesseler usage ofesseler Yes
graphite_exporter usage prometheus Yes
grok_exporter_fstab usage fstab Yes
haproxy_exporter usage prometheus Yes
influxdb_exporter usage prometheus Yes
iptables_exporter_retailnext usage retailnext Yes
jmx_exporter usage prometheus No
kafka_exporter_danielqsj usage danielqsj Yes
memcached_exporter usage prometheus Yes
mysqld_exporter usage prometheus Yes
node_exporter usage prometheus Yes
ntp_exporter_sapcc usage sapcc Yes
nvidia_exporter_bugroger usage BugRoger Yes
nvidia_gpu_exporter_mindprince usage mindprince Yes
openldap_exporter_tomcz usage tomcz Yes
openvpn_exporter_kumina usage kumina Yes
ping_exporter_czerwonk usage czerwonk Yes
postgres_exporter_wrouesnel usage wrouesnel Yes
powerdns_exporter_ledgr usage ledgr No
process_exporter_ncabatoff usage ncabatoff Yes
proxysql_exporter_percona usage percona Yes
rabbitmq_exporter_kbudde usage kbudde Yes
redis_exporter_oliver006 usage oliver006 Yes
script_exporter_adhocteam usage adhocteam Yes
smokeping_exporter_superq usage SuperQ Yes
snmp_exporter usage prometheus Yes
sql_exporter_free usage free Yes
squid_exporter_boynux usage boynux Yes
ssl_exporter_ribbybibby usage ribbybibby Yes
statsd_exporter usage prometheus Yes
zookeeper_exporter_infonova usage infonova Yes

Supported node_exporter textfiles scripts

Numerous node_exporter textfiles scripts are supported and can be installed via the following variables. These scripts are installed under '/opt/prometheus/scripts' by default:

node_exporter textfiles script Source Enable variable
apt.sh node_exporter examples prometheus_script_apt: true
btrfs_stats.py node_exporter examples prometheus_script_btrfs_stats: true
deleted_libraries.py node_exporter examples prometheus_script_deleted_libraries: true
directory-size.sh node_exporter examples prometheus_script_directory_size: true
inotify-instances node_exporter examples prometheus_script_inotify_instances: true
ipmitool node_exporter examples prometheus_script_ipmitool: true
md_info.sh node_exporter examples prometheus_script_md_info: true
md_info_detail.sh node_exporter examples prometheus_script_md_info_detail: true
mellanox_hca_temp node_exporter examples prometheus_script_mellanox_hca_temp: true
multipathd_info node_exporter examples prometheus_script_multipathd_info: true
ntpd_metrics.py node_exporter examples prometheus_script_ntpd_metrics: true
nvme_metrics.sh node_exporter examples prometheus_script_nvme_metrics: true
pacman.sh node_exporter examples prometheus_script_pacman: true
smartmon.py node_exporter examples prometheus_script_smartmon_python: true
smartmon.sh node_exporter examples prometheus_script_smartmon: true
storcli.py node_exporter examples prometheus_script_storcli: true
yum.sh node_exporter examples prometheus_script_yum: true

Role Variables

A 'prometheus_components' array variable is used to specify the Prometheus software to install. This example installs all supported prometheus_components:

# Demonstration only. Clients should only have applicable software and exporters defined:
 # Core components:
 - alertmanager
 - prometheus
 - push_gateway
 # Exporters
 - 389ds_exporter_terrycain
 - apache_exporter_lusitaniae
 - bigip_exporter_expressenab
 - bind_exporter_digitalocean
 - blackbox_exporter
 - cloudwatch_exporter
 - collectd_exporter
 - consul_exporter
 - couchbase_exporter_blakelead
 - couchdb_exporter_gesellix
 - digitalocean_exporter_metalmatze
 - elasticsearch_exporter_justwatchcom
 - gluster exporter_ofesseler
 - graphite_exporter
 - grok_exporter_fstab
 - haproxy_exporter
 - influxdb_exporter
 - iptables_exporter_retailnext
 - jmx_exporter
 - kafka_exporter_danielqsj
 - memcached_exporter
 - mysqld_exporter
 - node_exporter
 - ntp_exporter_sapcc
 - nvidia_exporter_bugroger
 - nvidia_gpu_exporter_mindprince
 - openldap_exporter_tomcz
 - openvpn_exporter_kumina
 - ping_exporter_czerwonk
 - postgres_exporter_wrouesnel
 - process_exporter_ncabatoff
 - proxysql_exporter_percona
 - rabbitmq_exporter_kbudde
 - redis_exporter_oliver006
 - script_exporter_adhocteam
 - smokeping_exporter_superq
 - snmp_exporter
 - sql_exporter_free
 - squid_exporter_boynux
 - ssl_exporter_ribbybibby
 - statsd_exporter
 - zookeeper_exporter_infonova

Common variables

By default, if a Prometheus software or exporter binary fails to install, the installation fails. This default can be overridden causing an installation via source by setting the global 'prometheus_fallback_to_build' boolean or a software specific override. For example, to allow the blackbox_exporter to be built from source if no binary can be found set:

prometheus_blackbox_exporter_fallback_to_build: true

All daemon installer tasks have a 'runas' parameter to specify which user the daemon will run as. By default all users run as the 'prometheus_user' (defaults to: prometheus). For example, to have the blackbox_exporter run as user 'test' set the following variable:

prometheus_blackbox_exporter_runas: test

Global variables

Link the Prometheus etc directory to '/etc/prometheus'. The Prometheus etc directory defaults to '/opt/prometheus/etc':

prometheus_link_etc: true

Attempt to force the etc directory symlink referenced above:

prometheus_link_etc_force: false

Install the 'sponge' utility. Recommended by the Prometheus project when writing to node_exporter's textfile directory. The EPEL repository is required if installing on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux derivative:

prometheus_install_sponge: false

Purge old and now orphaned versions of software:

prometheus_purge_orphans: false

Root directory to install Prometheus software:

prometheus_root_dir: '/opt/prometheus'

Test each service port after installing and starting each service:

prometheus_test_service_port: true

Manage the 'prometheus' service user and group:

prometheus_manage_group: true
prometheus_manage_user: true

Name of the Prometheus service and group:

prometheus_group: prometheus
prometheus_user: prometheus

If installing a Prometheus application binary fails, fall back to installing the Prometheus software via source. Installation from source generally requires installing compilers. It is also possible to enable 'fallback_to_build' on a case-by-case basis (ie: prometheus_blackbox_exporter_fallback_to_build: true):

prometheus_fallback_to_build: false

Go version to use when building Prometheus software:

prometheus_go_version: 1.13.5

The Prometheus etc directory, defaults to '/opt/prometheus/etc':

prometheus_etc_dir: "{{ prometheus_root_dir }}/etc"

The root directory in which exporters are installed, defaults to '/opt/prometheus/exporters':

prometheus_exporters_dir: "{{ prometheus_root_dir }}/exporters"

The root directory in which 'go' is installed. Go is only installed if Prometheus software is being installed from source. Defaults to '/opt/prometheus/go':

prometheus_go_dir: "{{ prometheus_root_dir }}/go"

The directory in which logs are created. Systems using journalctl will generally log to journalctl instead of files:

prometheus_log_dir: "/var/log/prometheus"

The directory to use for temporary space, principally when building Prometheus software. Defaults to '/opt/prometheus/tmp':

prometheus_tmp_dir: "{{ prometheus_root_dir }}/tmp"

The directory to use when storing persistent Prometheus data (ie: The Prometheus server's data), defaults to '/opt/prometheus/var':

prometheus_var_dir: "{{ prometheus_root_dir }}/var"

Optionally disable symlink of tool applications (amtool, promtool, etc) to /usr/local/bin. Defaults to 'true':

prometheus_symlink_tools: false

Prometheus log rotation variables

Log rotation is disabled by default, but can be configured simply using the following variables. Log rotation is configured for all .log files in the Prometheus log directory (ie: /var/log/prometheus/.log).

Enable installing a prometheus log rotation script. Defaults to 'false':

prometheus_logrotate: true

Number of log rotation (days) to keep:

prometheus_logrotate_count: 31

Boolean specifying whether logs should be compressed:

prometheus_logrotate_compress: true

Log rotation configuration file directory:

prometheus_logrotate_dir: /etc/logrotate.d

Prometheus client variables

Cause all Prometheus servers defined in a 'prometheus_servers' array/list variable to verify connectivity to each of the client's exporters:

prometheus_software_server_side_connect_test: true

Configure firewalld rules to permit server IPs defined in a 'prometheus_server_ips' array/list variable to connect to each of the client's exporters. This functionality requires that the python 'netaddr' module be installed (ie: yum install -y python-netaddr or dnf install -y python-netaddr or pip install netaddr). Only enable this variable on servers that use firewalld, otherwise the task will fail:

prometheus_manage_client_firewalld: true
# Optionally set:
prometheus_firewalld_zone: public

If firewalld customization is required, one can add firewalld rules using a playbook as follows:

- name: Allow incoming prometheus server connections to node_exporter
  become: true
    immediate: true
    port: 9100/tcp
    permanent: true
    source: "{{ item }}"
    state: enabled
    zone: public
  with_items: "{{ prometheus_server_ips }}"
  when: uses_firewalld is defined and 'node_exporter' in prometheus_components

Configure iptables rules to permit server IPs defined in a 'prometheus_server_ips' array/list variable to connect to each of the client's exporters. Only enable this variable on servers that use iptables, otherwise the task will fail:

prometheus_manage_client_iptables: true

If iptables_raw has been installed, you can enable the following variable:

prometheus_manage_client_iptables_raw: true

This role can manage your Prometheus server 'target groups' (tgroups) automatically, dynamically creating tgroup files in a specified directory (/etc/prometheus/tgroups by default) for each client exporter.

Automatic tgroup file management can be enabled for client side operation, server side operation, or both. In client mode, client's exporters are registered automatically on the Prometheus server specified in a 'prometheus_servers' array. In server mode, the inventory is parsed to determine which exporters are available on each host and all clients are registered with the server's specified in each client's 'prometheus_servers' array.

By default, client and server tgroups use 'inventory_hostname' (fqdn) and 'inventory_hostname_short' (hostname) values for server fqdn/hostnames and ignore facts. This is done because server-side population of tgroups cannot account for client's facts unless clients are configured to cache their facts. To use fact based 'ansible_fqdn' (fqdn) and 'ansible_hostname' (hostname) variables enable 'prometheus_tgroup_use_facts'. At this time, enabling 'prometheus_tgroup_use_facts' for any clients disables server side tgroup management:

prometheus_tgroup_use_facts: true

To enable automatic tgroup file generation on the client side, you must define 'prometheus_manage_client_tgroups' as true and list your Prometheus servers in a 'prometheus_servers' variable in your Ansible variables or inventory. The following will create tgroup files in /etc/prometheus/ansible_tgroups:

prometheus_manage_client_tgroups: true
 - 'prometheus1'
 - 'prometheus2'
# Optional, defaults to /etc/prometheus/tgroups:
prometheus_managed_tgroup_dir: '/etc/prometheus/ansible_tgroups'

If this role is managing your tgroup files, you can apply labels to your exporter/s using the 'prometheus_tgroup_labels' variable:

- hosts: prometheus_clients
      - node_exporter
      environment: development
      site: primary
    - mesaguy.prometheus

Using 'set_fact' to do the same:

  • name: Set Prometheus labels for host set_fact: prometheus_tgroup_labels: environment: 'development' site: primary

Exporters that aren't managed by this role can be specified using a 'prometheus_additional_exporters' variable as follows. Any labels specified in 'prometheus_tgroup_labels' will be merged with labels defined in 'prometheus_additional_exporters'. Firewall rules will be created for additional exporters if 'prometheus_manage_client_firewalld' or 'prometheus_manage_client_iptables' is defined.

 - name: docker
   port: 9323
   labels: {}
 - name: foo
   port: 9999
     team: foo
     department: IT

To enable automatic tgroup file generation on the server side, you must define 'prometheus_manage_server_tgroups' as true and list your Prometheus servers in a 'prometheus_servers' variable in your Ansible variables or inventory. The following will create tgroup files in /etc/prometheus/ansible_tgroups for all clients that have 'prometheus_compenents' and/or 'prometheus_additional_exporters', clients must also have 'prometheus_servers' array configured:

prometheus_manage_server_tgroups: true

To only configure server tgroups and perform no role tasks, enable 'prometheus_manage_server_tgroups_only':

- hosts: prometheus_servers
    prometheus_manage_server_tgroups_only: true
    - mesaguy.prometheus

Purge undefined (orphaned) exporters. When run in client mode, this option only effects client's orphaned files. When run in server mode this affects all tgroup files:

prometheus_tgroup_dir_purge_orphans: true

Prometheus server configuration

To enable prometheus server include role task: prometheus

Prometheus configuration files are validated using 'promtool' before Prometheus is restarted.

The configuration content. The example below utilizes a file named 'prometheus_server.yml' in your Ansible root directory's 'files' directory. If no configuration content is defined, a default configuration file is utilized. You will want to customize your configuration file content!:

prometheus_server_cfg: '{{ lookup("file", "../files/prometheus_server.yml") | from_yaml }}'

Or embedding the YAML directly into your playbook:

      scrape_interval: 15s

      # Attach these labels to any time series or alerts when communicating with
      # external systems (federation, remote storage, Alertmanager).
        monitor: 'codelab-monitor'

    # A scrape configuration containing exactly one endpoint to scrape:
    # Here it's Prometheus itself.
      # The job name is added as a label `job=<job_name>` to any timeseries scraped from this config.
      - job_name: 'prometheus'

        # Override the global default and scrape targets from this job every 5 seconds.
        scrape_interval: 5s

          - targets: ['localhost:9090']

An array of additional flags to pass to the prometheus daemon:

prometheus_extra_opts: []

The version of Prometheus to install. The source version defines the version as specified in version control:

prometheus_version: "2.14.0"
prometheus_src_version: "v2.14.0"

Where to store Prometheus's database, defaults to /opt/prometheus/var/prometheus

prometheus_storage_dir: /opt/prometheus/var/prometheus

Prometheus web console templates to utilize. The defaults suffice under most circumstances and this variable should remain unset under most circumstances:

prometheus_web_console_libraries_dir: /opt/prometheus/prometheus/x.x.x/console_libraries
prometheus_web_console_templates_dir: /opt/prometheus/prometheus/x.x.x/consoles

Port and IP to listen on. Defaults to listening on all available IPs on port 9090:

prometheus_host: ""
prometheus_port: 9090

Alertmanager configuration

To enable alertmanager include role task: alertmanager

Alertmanager configuration files are validated using 'amtool' before Alertmanager is restarted.

The configuration content. The example below utilizes a file named 'alertmanager.yml' in your Ansible root directory's 'files' directory. If no configuration content is defined, a default configuration file is utilized. You will want to customize your configuration file content!:

prometheus_alertmanager_cfg: '{{ lookup("file", "../files/alertmanager.yml") | from_yaml }}'

An array of additional flags to pass to the alertmanager daemon:

prometheus_alertmanager_extra_opts: []

The version of Alertmanager to install. The source version defines the version as specified in version control:

prometheus_alertmanager_version: "0.20.0"
prometheus_alertmanager_version_src_version: "v0.20.0"

Where to store Alertmanager's data, defaults to /opt/prometheus/var/alertmanager

Port and IP to listen on. Defaults to listening on all available IPs on port 9093:

prometheus_alertmanager_host: ""
prometheus_alertmanager_port: 9093

Pushgateway configuration

To enable alertmanager include role task: pushgateway

An array of additional flags to pass to the pushgateway daemon:

prometheus_pushgateway_extra_opts: []

The version of Pushgateway to install. The source version defines the version as specified in version control:

prometheus_pushgateway_version: "1.0.0"
prometheus_pushgateway_src_version: "v1.0.0"

Port and IP to listen on. Defaults to listening on all available IPs on port 9091:

prometheus_pushgateway_host: ""
prometheus_pushgateway_port: 9091

389ds exporter (terrycain) configuration

To enable 389ds_exporter by terrycain include role task: 389ds_exporter_terrycain

⚠️ Your LDAP password is given to the exporter as a command line argument and is visible to all via 'ps', etc. This exporter does not support storing the LDAP password in a configuration file. If access to the 389ds server is sufficiently limited, then this security exposure is reduced, but still present.

An array of additional flags to pass to the 389ds_exporter daemon (ie):

 - '-ldap.pass=test'
 - '-ipa-domain=test'

The version of 389ds_exporter to install. The source version defines the version as specified in version control:

prometheus_389ds_exporter_terrycain_version: "0.1.2"
prometheus_389ds_exporter_terrycain_src_version: "v0.1.2"

Port and IP to listen on. Defaults to listening on all available IPs on port 9496:

prometheus_389ds_exporter_terrycain_host: ""
prometheus_389ds_exporter_terrycain_port: 9496

Apache exporter (Lusitaniae) configuration

To enable apache_exporter by Lusitaniae include role task: apache_exporter_lusitaniae

An array of additional flags to pass to the apache_exporter daemon (ie):

  - '-scrape_uri=http://localhost/server-status/?auto'

The version of apache_exporter to install. The source version defines the version as specified in version control:

prometheus_apache_exporter_lusitaniae_version: "0.7.0"
prometheus_apache_exporter_lusitaniae_src_version: "v0.7.0"

Port and IP to listen on. Defaults to listening on all available IPs on port 9117:

prometheus_apache_exporter_lusitaniae_host: ""
prometheus_apache_exporter_lusitaniae_port: 9117

BigIP exporter (ExpressenAB) configuration

To enable bigip_exporter by ExpressenAB include role task: bigip_exporter_expressenab

An array of additional flags to pass to the bigip_exporter daemon (ie):

prometheus_bigip_exporter_expressenab_extra_opts: []
 - '--bigip.host'
 - '--bigip.port 443'
 - '--exporter.config my_config_file.yml'

Environmental variables can also be used to configure the bigip_exporter daemon:


The version of bigip_exporter to install. The source version defines the version as specified in version control:

prometheus_bigip_exporter_expressenab_version: "1.0.0"
prometheus_bigip_exporter_expressenab_src_version: "v1.0.0"

Port and IP to listen on. Defaults to listening on all available IPs on port 9142:

prometheus_bigip_exporter_expressenab_host: ""
prometheus_bigip_exporter_expressenab_port: 9142

BIND exporter (digitalocean) configuration

To enable bind_exporter by digitalocean include role task: bind_exporter_digitalocean

An array of additional flags to pass to the bind_exporter daemon (ie):

  - '-bind.stats-url string=http://localhost:8053/'

The version of bind_exporter to install. The source version defines the version as specified in version control:

prometheus_bind_exporter_digitalocean_src_version: "v0.2.0-dev"

Port and IP to listen on. Defaults to listening on all available IPs on port 8053:

prometheus_bind_exporter_digitalocean_host: ""
prometheus_bind_exporter_digitalocean_port: 8053

Blackbox exporter configuration

To enable blackbox_exporter include role task: blackbox_exporter

The configuration content. The example below utilizes a file named 'blackbox_exporter.yml' in your Ansible root directory's 'files' directory. If no configuration content is defined, a default configuration file is utilized. You will want to customize your configuration file content!:

prometheus_blackbox_exporter_cfg: '{{ lookup("file", "../files/blackbox_exporter.yml") | from_yaml }}'

Alternatively, the configuration file can be defined directly:

      fail_if_not_ssl: false
      fail_if_ssl: false
      method: GET
      no_follow_redirects: false
      preferred_ip_protocol: ip4
        insecure_skip_verify: false
      - HTTP/1.1
      - HTTP/2
      - 200

An array of additional flags to pass to the blackbox_exporter daemon:

prometheus_blackbox_exporter_extra_opts: []

The version of blackbox_exporter to install. The source version defines the version as specified in version control:

prometheus_blackbox_exporter_version: "0.16.0"
prometheus_blackbox_exporter_src_version: "v0.16.0"

Port and IP to listen on. Defaults to listening on all available IPs on port 9115:

prometheus_blackbox_exporter_host: ""
prometheus_blackbox_exporter_port: 9115

CloudWatch exporter configuration

To enable cloudwatch_exporter include role task: cloudwatch_exporter

The configuration content. The example below utilizes a file named 'cloudwatch_exporter.yml' in your Ansible root directory's 'files' directory. If no configuration content is defined, a default configuration file is utilized. You will want to customize your configuration file content!:

prometheus_cloudwatch_exporter_cfg: '{{ lookup("file", "../files/cloudwatch_exporter.yml") | from_yaml }}'

Alternatively, the configuration file can be defined directly:

  region: eu-west-1
   - aws_namespace: AWS/ELB
     aws_metric_name: RequestCount
     aws_dimensions: [AvailabilityZone, LoadBalancerName]
       LoadBalancerName: [myLB]
     aws_statistics: [Sum]

An array of additional flags to pass to the cloudwatch_exporter daemon:

prometheus_cloudwatch_exporter_extra_opts: []

The version of cloudwatch_exporter to install:

prometheus_cloudwatch_exporter_version: "0.7.0"

Port and IP to listen on. Defaults to listening on all available IPs on port 9106:

prometheus_cloudwatch_exporter_host: ""
prometheus_cloudwatch_exporter_port: 9106

Collectd exporter configuration

To enable collectd_exporter include role task: collectd_exporter

An array of additional flags to pass to the collectd_exporter daemon:

prometheus_collectd_exporter_extra_opts: []

The version of collectd_exporter to install. The source version defines the version as specified in version control:

prometheus_collectd_exporter_version: "0.5.0"
prometheus_collectd_exporter_src_version: "v0.5.0"

Port and IP to listen on. Defaults to listening on all available IPs on port 9103:

prometheus_collectd_exporter_host: ""
prometheus_collectd_exporter_port: 9103

Consul exporter configuration

To enable consul_exporter include role task: consul_exporter

Environmental variables to pass to the consul_exporter exporter. These environmental variables are used as a primary method of configuring the exporter:

  CONSUL_HTTP_TOKEN: '4391eca7bcd03f45aa43ca26829c386c329097a7'

An array of additional flags to pass to the consul_exporter daemon:

prometheus_consul_exporter_extra_opts: []

The version of consul_exporter to install. The source version defines the version as specified in version control:

prometheus_consul_exporter_version: "0.6.0"
prometheus_consul_exporter_src_version: "v0.6.0"

Port and IP to listen on. Defaults to listening on all available IPs on port 9107:

prometheus_consul_exporter_host: ""
prometheus_consul_exporter_port: 9107

Couchbase exporter (leansys-team) configuration

To enable couchbase_exporter by blakelead include role task: couchbase_exporter_blakelead

Environmental variables to pass to the couchbase_exporter_blakelead exporter. These environmental variables are used as a primary method of configuring the exporter:

  CB_EXPORTER_DB_USER: couchbase

An array of additional flags to pass to the couchbase_exporter daemon:

prometheus_couchbase_exporter_blakelead_extra_opts: []

The version of couchbase_exporter to install. The source version defines the version as specified in version control:

prometheus_couchbase_exporter_blakelead_version: "0.9.6"
prometheus_couchbase_exporter_blakelead_src_version: "0.9.6"

Port and IP to listen on. Defaults to listening on all available IPs on port 9191:

prometheus_couchbase_exporter_blakelead_host: ""
prometheus_couchbase_exporter_blakelead_port: 9191

CouchDB exporter (gesellix) configuration

To enable couchdb_exporter by gesellix include role task: couchdb_exporter_gesellix

An array of additional flags to pass to the couchdb_exporter daemon:

prometheus_couchdb_exporter_gesellix_extra_opts: []

The version of couchdb_exporter to install. The source version defines the version as specified in version control:

prometheus_couchdb_exporter_gesellix_version: "18"
prometheus_couchdb_exporter_gesellix_src_version: "18"

Port and IP to listen on. Defaults to listening on all available IPs on port 9984:

prometheus_couchdb_exporter_gesellix_host: ""
prometheus_couchdb_exporter_gesellix_port: 9984

DigitalOcean exporter (metalmatze) configuration

Environmental variables to pass to the digitalocean_exporter_metalmatze exporter. These environmental variables are used as a primary method of configuring the exporter:


An array of additional flags to pass to the digitalocean_exporter daemon:

prometheus_digitalocean_exporter_metalmatze_extra_opts: []

The version of digitalocean_exporter to install. The source version defines the version as specified in version control:

prometheus_digitalocean_exporter_metalmatze_version: "0.5"
prometheus_digitalocean_exporter_metalmatze_src_version: "v0.5"

Port and IP to listen on. Defaults to listening on all available IPs on port 9212:

prometheus_digitalocean_exporter_metalmatze_host: ""
prometheus_digitalocean_exporter_metalmatze_port: 9212

Elasticsearch exporter (justwatchcom) configuration

An array of additional flags to pass to the elasticsearch_exporter daemon:

prometheus_elasticsearch_exporter_justwatchcom_extra_opts: []

The version of elasticsearch_exporter to install. The source version defines the version as specified in version control:

prometheus_elasticsearch_exporter_justwatchcom_version: "1.1.0"
prometheus_elasticsearch_exporter_justwatchcom_src_version: "v1.1.0"

Port and IP to listen on. Defaults to listening on all available IPs on port 9908:

prometheus_elasticsearch_exporter_justwatchcom_host: ""
prometheus_elasticsearch_exporter_justwatchcom_port: 9908

Gluster exporter (ofesseler) configuration

To enable gluster_exporter by ofesseler include role task: gluster_exporter_ofesseler

An array of additional flags to pass to the gluster_exporter daemon:

prometheus_gluster_exporter_ofesseler_extra_opts: []

The gluster exporter needs to run as root if gluster is running as root:

prometheus_gluster_exporter_ofesseler_runas: root

The version of gluster_exporter to install. The source version defines the version as specified in version control:

prometheus_gluster_exporter_ofesseler_version: "0.2.7"
prometheus_gluster_exporter_ofesseler_src_version: "v0.2.7"

Port and IP to listen on. Defaults to listening on all available IPs on port 9189:

prometheus_gluster_exporter_ofesseler_host: ""
prometheus_gluster_exporter_ofesseler_port: 9189

Graphite exporter configuration

To enable graphite_exporter include role task: graphite_exporter

The configuration content. The example below utilizes a file named 'graphite_exporter.yml' in your Ansible root directory's 'files' directory. If no configuration content is defined, a default configuration file is utilized. You will want to customize your configuration file content!:

prometheus_graphite_exporter_cfg: '{{ lookup("file", "../files/graphite_exporter.yml") | from_yaml }}'

Alternatively, the configuration file can be defined directly:

  - match: test.dispatcher.*.*.*
    name: dispatcher_events_total
      action: $2
      job: test_dispatcher
      outcome: $3
      processor: $1

An array of additional flags to pass to the graphite_exporter daemon:

prometheus_graphite_exporter_extra_opts: []

The version of graphite_exporter to install. The source version defines the version as specified in version control:

prometheus_graphite_exporter_version: "0.6.2"
prometheus_graphite_exporter_src_version: "v0.6.2"

Port and IP to listen on. Defaults to listening on all available IPs on port 9108:

prometheus_graphite_exporter_host: ""
prometheus_graphite_exporter_port: 9108

Grok exporter (fstab) configuration

To enable grok_exporter by fstab include role task: grok_exporter_fstab

The configuration content. The example below utilizes a file named 'grok_exporter_fstab.yml' in your Ansible root directory's 'files' directory. If no configuration content is defined, a default configuration file is utilized. You will want to customize your configuration file content!:

prometheus_grok_exporter_fstab_cfg: '{{ lookup("file", "../files/grok_exporter_fstab.yml") | from_yaml }}'

Alternatively, the configuration file can be defined directly:

      config_version: 2
      type: file
      path: ./example/example.log
      readall: true
      patterns_dir: ./logstash-patterns-core/patterns
      - type: counter
        name: grok_example_lines_total
        help: Counter metric example with labels.
        match: '%{DATE} %{TIME} %{USER:user} %{NUMBER}'
            user: '{{.user}}'
      port: 9144

An array of additional flags to pass to the grok_exporter daemon:

prometheus_grok_exporter_fstab_extra_opts: []

The version of grok_exporter to install. The source version defines the version as specified in version control:

prometheus_grok_exporter_fstab_version: "0.2.8"
prometheus_grok_exporter_fstab_src_version: "v0.2.8"

Port and IP to listen on. Defaults to listening on all available IPs on port 9144:

prometheus_grok_exporter_fstab_host: ""
prometheus_grok_exporter_fstab_port: 9144

HAProxy exporter configuration

To enable haproxy_exporter include role task: haproxy_exporter

An array of additional flags to pass to the haproxy_exporter daemon:

prometheus_haproxy_exporter_extra_opts: []

The version of haproxy_exporter to install. The source version defines the version as specified in version control:

prometheus_haproxy_exporter_version: "0.10.0"
prometheus_haproxy_exporter_src_version: "v0.10.0"

Port and IP to listen on. Defaults to listening on all available IPs on port 9101:

prometheus_haproxy_exporter_host: ""
prometheus_haproxy_exporter_port: 9101

To gather HAProxy stats via a unix socket, specify the path to the unix socket. Collecting HAProxy stats via the http and unix socket methods are mutually exclusive. It may also be necessary to run the haproxy_exporter as the user haproxy is running as:

prometheus_haproxy_exporter_socket: '/run/haproxy/haproxy.sock'
prometheus_haproxy_exporter_runas: haproxy

Enable HAProxy statistics via socket in the HAProxy globals section:

  stats socket /run/haproxy/haproxy.sock mode 666 level admin
  # Wait up to 2 minutes for input:
  stats timeout 2m

InfluxDB exporter configuration

An array of additional flags to pass to the influxdb_exporter daemon:

prometheus_influxdb_exporter_extra_opts: []

The version of influxdb_exporter to install. The source version defines the version as specified in version control:

prometheus_influxdb_exporter_version: "0.3.0"
prometheus_influxdb_exporter_src_version: "v0.3.0"

Port and IP to listen on. Defaults to listening on all available IPs on port 9122:

prometheus_influxdb_exporter_host: ""
prometheus_influxdb_exporter_port: 9122

IPTables exporter (retailnext) configuration

To enable iptables_exporter by retailnext include role task: iptables_exporter_retailnext

This exporter must be run as the user 'root' unless you are using systemd:

prometheus_software_runas: root

An array of additional flags to pass to the iptables_exporter daemon (ie):

prometheus_iptables_exporter_retailnext_extra_opts: []

The version of iptables_exporter to install. The source version defines the version as specified in version control:

prometheus_iptables_exporter_retailnext_version: "0.1.0"
prometheus_iptables_exporter_retailnext_src_version: "v0.1.0"

Port and IP to listen on. Defaults to listening on all available IPs on port 9455:

prometheus_iptables_exporter_retailnext_host: ""
prometheus_iptables_exporter_retailnext_port: 9455

JMX exporter configuration

To enable jmx_exporter include role task: jmx_exporter

The jmx_exporter is different from most exporters in that it isn't a daemon, it is a library that is included with your java instances.

The configuration content. The example below utilizes a file named 'jmx_exporter.yml' in your Ansible root directory's 'files' directory. If no configuration content is defined, a default configuration file is utilized. You will want to customize your configuration file content!:

  elasticsearch: "{{ lookup('file', '../../files/prometheus/jmx.elasticsearch.yml') | from_yaml }}"
  puppet: "{{ lookup('file', '../../files/prometheus/jmx.puppet.yml') | from_yaml }}"

The version of jmx_exporter to install:

prometheus_jmx_exporter_version: "0.12.0"

Kafka exporter (danielqsj) configuration

To enable kafka_exporter by danielqsj include role task: kafka_exporter_danielqsj

An array of additional flags to pass to the kafka_exporter daemon (ie):

  - '--kafka.server='

The version of kafka_exporter to install. The source version defines the version as specified in version control:

prometheus_kafka_exporter_danielqsj_version: "1.2.0"
prometheus_kafka_exporter_danielqsj_src_version: "v1.2.0"

Port and IP to listen on. Defaults to listening on all available IPs on port 9308:

prometheus_kafka_exporter_danielqsj_host: ""
prometheus_kafka_exporter_danielqsj_port: 9308

Memcached exporter configuration

To enable memcached_exporter include role task: memcached_exporter

An array of additional flags to pass to the memcached_exporter daemon:

prometheus_memcached_exporter_extra_opts: []

The version of memcached_exporter to install. The source version defines the version as specified in version control:

prometheus_memcached_exporter_version: "0.6.0"
prometheus_memcached_exporter_src_version: "v0.6.0"

Port and IP to listen on. Defaults to listening on all available IPs on port 9150:

prometheus_memcached_exporter_host: ""
prometheus_memcached_exporter_port: 9150

Mysqld exporter configuration

To enable mysqld_exporter include role task: mysqld_exporter

The mysqld_exporter requires configuration before use! You must grant permissions for this exporter to read select data from MySQL and you must configure a .my.cnf file with the credentials this module will utilize.

An array of additional flags to pass to the mysqld_exporter daemon:

prometheus_mysqld_exporter_extra_opts: []

The version of mysqld_exporter to install. The source version defines the version as specified in version control:

prometheus_mysqld_exporter_version: "0.12.1"
prometheus_mysqld_exporter_src_version: "v0.12.1"

Port and IP to listen on. Defaults to listening on all available IPs on port 9104:

prometheus_mysqld_exporter_host: ""
prometheus_mysqld_exporter_port: 9104

After following the mysqld_exporter user creation or grant instructions, the following variables can be used to define the MySQL username and password mysqld_exporter can utilize to poll MySQL:

prometheus_mysqld_exporter_username: mysqld_exporter
prometheus_mysqld_exporter_password: _password_

Node exporter configuration

To enable node_exporter include role task: node_exporter

Numerous node_exporter textfiles scripts can be installed by enabling the specified script specific variables.

The directory node_exporter should poll for text files containing additional information to present. Defaults to '/opt/prometheus/etc/node_exporter_textfiles':

prometheus_node_exporter_textfiles_directory: '/opt/prometheus/etc/node_exporter_textfiles'

An array of additional flags to pass to the node_exporter daemon. You will likely wish to customize the data collected by node_exporter by adding flags here:

prometheus_node_exporter_extra_opts: []

Common node_exporter variables can be defined as follows:

  - '--collector.filesystem.ignored-mount-points="^/(sys|proc|dev|run|var/lib/docker/.*)($|/)"'
  - '--collector.systemd'
  - '--no-collector.zfs'

The version of node_exporter to install. The source version defines the version as specified in version control:

prometheus_node_exporter_version: "0.18.1"
prometheus_node_exporter_src_version: "v0.18.1"

Port and IP to listen on. Defaults to listening on all available IPs on port 9100:

prometheus_node_exporter_host: ""
prometheus_node_exporter_port: 9100

Node exporter textfiles scripts can be installed into the 'prometheus_script_directory' directory (/opt/prometheus/scripts by default) using the following parameters:

prometheus_script_directory: '/opt/prometheus/scripts'
# S.M.A.R.T. monitoring script
prometheus_script_smartmon: true

Node exporter textfiles scripts will generally need to be run via cron and ideally via sponge, for instance:

hosts: prometheus_clients
   - node_exporter
  prometheus_script_directory: /opt/prometheus/scripts'
  prometheus_script_smartmon: true
  prometheus_node_exporter_textfiles_directory: /opt/prometheus/etc/node_exporter_textfiles
  - mesaguy.prometheus
  - name: Setup cronjob to run smartmon.sh
    become: true
      dest: /etc/cron.d/smartmon
      # Requires 'sponge' be installed:
      content: "*/5 * * * * root bash {{ prometheus_script_directory }}/smartmon.sh | sponge {{ prometheus_node_exporter_textfiles_directory }}/smartmon.prom\n"
      mode: '0555'
      owner: root
      group: root

NTP exporter (sapcc) configuration

To enable ntp_exporter by sapcc include role task: ntp_exporter_sapcc

An array of additional flags to pass to the ntp_exporter daemon, the '-ntp.server' variable is manditory:

  - '-ntp.server=time-a-g.nist.gov'

The version of ntp_exporter to install. The source version defines the version as specified in version control:

prometheus_ntp_exporter_sapcc_version: "v1.1.0"

Port and IP to listen on. Defaults to listening on all available IPs on port 9559:

prometheus_ntp_exporter_sapcc_host: ""
prometheus_ntp_exporter_sapcc_port: 9559

Nvidia CPU exporter (BugRoger) configuration

An array of additional flags to pass to the nvidia_exporter daemon:

prometheus_nvidia_exporter_bugroger_extra_opts: []

The version of nvidia_exporter to install. As there is no release, the version is a git commit hash:

prometheus_nvidia_exporter_bugroger_version: "f38931eea308b265477dc64a86594cc288bf270b"

Port and IP to listen on. Defaults to listening on all available IPs on port 9401:

prometheus_nvidia_exporter_bugroger_host: ""
prometheus_nvidia_exporter_bugroger_port: 9401

Nvidia GPU exporter (mindprince) configuration

An array of additional flags to pass to the nvidia_gpu_exporter daemon:

prometheus_nvidia_gpu_exporter_mindprince_extra_opts: []

The version of nvidia_gpu_exporter to install. As there is no release, the version is a git commit hash:

prometheus_nvidia_gpu_exporter_mindprince_version: "3897bdad246f3bc0e7105805d4442b9c9c7b06d2"

Port and IP to listen on. Defaults to listening on all available IPs on port 9445:

prometheus_nvidia_gpu_exporter_mindprince_host: ""
prometheus_nvidia_gpu_exporter_mindprince_port: 9445

OpenLDAP exporter (tomcz) configuration

To enable openldap_exporter by tomcz include role task: openldap_exporter_tomcz

An array of additional flags to pass to the openldap_exporter daemon (ie):

prometheus_openldap_exporter_tomcz_extra_opts: []

The version of openldap_exporter to install. The source version defines the version as specified in version control:

prometheus_openldap_exporter_tomcz_version: "1.0"
prometheus_openldap_exporter_tomcz_src_version: "v1.0"

Port and IP to listen on. Defaults to listening on all available IPs on port 9330:

prometheus_openldap_exporter_tomcz_host: ""
prometheus_openldap_exporter_tomcz_port: 9330

OpenVPN exporter (kumina) configuration

To enable openvpn_exporter by kumina include role task: openvpn_exporter_kumina

An array of additional flags to pass to the openvpn_exporter daemon (ie):

prometheus_openvpn_exporter_kumina_extra_opts: []

The version of openvpn_exporter to install. The source version defines the version as specified in version control:

prometheus_openvpn_exporter_kumina_version: "0.2.1"
prometheus_openvpn_exporter_kumina_src_version: "v0.2.1"

Port and IP to listen on. Defaults to listening on all available IPs on port 9176:

prometheus_openvpn_exporter_kumina_host: ""
prometheus_openvpn_exporter_kumina_port: 9176

Ping exporter (czerwonk) configuration

To enable ping_exporter by czerwonk include role task: ping_exporter_czerwonk

The ping_exporter can be configured by defining the prometheus_ping_exporter_czerwonk_cfg variable:

  - 2001:4860:4860::8888
  - 2001:4860:4860::8844

An array of additional flags to pass to the ping_exporter daemon (ie):

prometheus_ping_exporter_czerwonk_extra_opts: []

The version of ping_exporter to install. The source version defines the version as specified in version control:

prometheus_ping_exporter_czerwonk_version: "0.4.4"
prometheus_ping_exporter_czerwonk_src_version: "0.44"

Port and IP to listen on. Defaults to listening on all available IPs on port 9427:

prometheus_ping_exporter_czerwonk_host: ""
prometheus_ping_exporter_czerwonk_port: 9427

Postgres exporter (wrouesnel) configuration

To enable postgres_exporter by wrouesnel include role task: postgres_exporter_wrouesnel

The postgres_exporter requires configuration before use! You must grant permissions for this exporter to read select data from PostgreSQL.

Environmental variables to pass to the postgres_exporter_wrouesnel exporter. These environmental variables are used as a primary method of configuring the exporter:

  DATA_SOURCE_NAME: 'postgresql://postgres_exporter:password@localhost:5432/postgres?sslmode=disable'

To avoid putting credentials in environmental variables, one can use the URI method of connection. After creating a file containing the connection password, configure as follows:

  DATA_SOURCE_PASS_FILE: /opt/prometheus/etc/postgres_exporter.password
  DATA_SOURCE_USER: postgres_exporter

An array of additional flags to pass to the postgres_exporter daemon:

prometheus_postgres_exporter_wrouesnel_extra_opts: []

The version of postgres_exporter to install. The source version defines the version as specified in version control:

prometheus_postgres_exporter_wrouesnel_version: "0.8.0"
prometheus_postgres_exporter_wrouesnel_src_version: "v0.8.0"

Port and IP to listen on. Defaults to listening on all available IPs on port 9187:

prometheus_postgres_exporter_wrouesnel_host: ""
prometheus_postgres_exporter_wrouesnel_port: 9187

Process exporter (ncabatoff) configuration

To enable process-exporter include role task: process-exporter_ncabatoff

This task has been configured to be capable of installing and managing multiple instances of process-exporter. Since process-exporter reads from /proc, only root and the user who owns each process may lookup metrics for each process. You can run a single process-exporter as root and monitor all system processes, but doing so is likely a security risk. It is safest to run one unprivileged instance of process-exporter for each user's processes you wish to monitor.

The configuration content. The example below utilizes a variables specifying the name of the service (name), the user that process-exporter should run as (user), and the configuration content (data). In this example configuration file there are two instances of process-exporter configured to run. See process-exporter documentation for configuration details.

      - name: prometheus
        user: prometheus
        port: 9256
            - comm:
                - bash
            - exe:
                - sshd
      - name: apache
        user: apache
        port: 9257
            - comm:
                - bash
            - exe:
                - apache

An array of additional flags to pass to the process_exporter daemon:

prometheus_process_exporter_ncabatoff_extra_opts: []

The version of process_exporter to install. The source version defines the version as specified in version control:

prometheus_process_exporter_ncabatoff_version: "0.4.0"
prometheus_process_exporter_ncabatoff_src_version: "v0.4.0"

Port and IP to listen on. Defaults to listening on all available IPs on port 9256. This is the default port and can/should be overridden using the configuration as exampled above in this section:

prometheus_process_exporter_ncabatoff_host: ""
prometheus_process_exporter_ncabatoff_port: 9256

ProxySQL exporter (percona) configuration

To enable proxysql_exporter by percona include role task: proxysql_exporter_percona

An array of additional flags to pass to the proxysql_exporter daemon:

prometheus_proxysql_exporter_percona_extra_opts: []

The version of proxysql_exporter to install. The source version defines the version as specified in version control:

prometheus_proxysql_exporter_percona_version: "1.1.0"
prometheus_proxysql_exporter_percona_src_version: "v1.1.0"

Port and IP to listen on. Defaults to listening on all available IPs on port 42004:

prometheus_proxysql_exporter_percona_host: ""
prometheus_proxysql_exporter_percona_port: 42004

Powerdns exporter (ledgr) configuration

To enable powerdns_exporter_ledgr, include the role task: powerdns_exporter_ledgr

Powerdns setup requires webserver and API options to be set, see README in that repo.

The following options are configurable for the api_url and api_key needed to connect to the powerdns api.

prometheus_powerdns_exporter_ledgr_api_url: '{{prometheus_powerdns_exporter_ledgr_api_url | default("http://localhost:8081/api/v1/") }}'
prometheus_powerdns_exporter_ledgr_api_key: '{{prometheus_powerdns_exporter_ledgr_api_key | default("") }}'

RabbitMQ exporter (kbudde) configuration

To enable rabbitmq_exporter by kbudde include role task: rabbitmq_exporter_kbudde

Environmental variables to pass to the rabbitmq_exporter exporter. These environmental variables are used as a primary method of configuring the exporter:

  RABBIT_URL: http://localhost:15672

An array of additional flags to pass to the rabbitmq_exporter daemon:

prometheus_rabbitmq_exporter_kbudde_extra_opts: []

The version of rabbitmq_exporter to install. The source version defines the version as specified in version control:

prometheus_rabbitmq_exporter_kbudde_version: "0.28.0"
prometheus_rabbitmq_exporter_kbudde_src_version: "v0.28.0"

Port and IP to listen on. Defaults to listening on all available IPs on port 9419:

prometheus_rabbitmq_exporter_kbudde_host: ""
prometheus_rabbitmq_exporter_kbudde_port: 9419

Redis exporter (kbudde) configuration

To enable redis_exporter by oliver006 include role task: redis_exporter_oliver006

An array of additional flags to pass to the redis_exporter daemon:

prometheus_redis_exporter_oliver006_extra_opts: []

The version of redis_exporter to install. The source version defines the version as specified in version control:

prometheus_redis_exporter_oliver006_version: "1.3.5"
prometheus_redis_exporter_oliver006_src_version: "v1.3.5"

Port and IP to listen on. Defaults to listening on all available IPs on port 9121:

prometheus_redis_exporter_oliver006_host: ""
prometheus_redis_exporter_oliver006_port: 9121

Script exporter (adhocteam) configuration

To enable script_exporter by adhocteam include role task: script_exporter_adhocteam

This task has been configured to be capable of installing and managing multiple instances of script-exporter. You can run a single script-exporter as root and run commands without privilege considerations, but doing so is likely a security risk. It is safest to run one unprivileged instance of script-exporter for each user's processes you wish to monitor.

The configuration content. The example below utilizes a variables specifying the name of the service (name), the user that script-exporter should run as (user), and the configuration content (data). In this example configuration file there are two instances of script-exporter configured to run. See script-exporter documentation for configuration details.

      - name: TEST
        user: prometheus
        port: 19172
            - name: success
              script: sleep 5
      - name: TEST2
        user: nobody
        port: 29172
            - name: failure
              script: sleep 2 && exit 1

An array of additional flags to pass to the script_exporter daemon (ie):

prometheus_script_exporter_adhocteam_extra_opts: []

The version of script_exporter to install. The source version defines the version as specified in version control:

prometheus_script_exporter_adhocteam_version: "1.0.2"
prometheus_script_exporter_adhocteam_src_version: "v1.0.2"

Port and IP to listen on. Defaults to listening on all available IPs on port 9172:

prometheus_script_exporter_adhocteam_host: ""
prometheus_script_exporter_adhocteam_port: 9172

Smokeping exporter (SuperQ) configuration

To enable smokeping_exporter by SuperQ include role task: smokeping_exporter_superq

An array of additional flags to pass to the smokeping_exporter daemon. You must specify a list of IPs and DNS names to ping:

- 'localhost'
- ''

The version of smokeping_exporter to install. The source version defines the version as specified in version control:

prometheus_smokeping_exporter_superq_version: "0.1.0"
prometheus_smokeping_exporter_superq_src_version: "v0.1.0"

Port and IP to listen on. Defaults to listening on all available IPs on port 9374:

prometheus_smokeping_exporter_superq_host: ""
prometheus_smokeping_exporter_superq_port: 9374

SNMP exporter configuration

To enable snmp_exporter include role task: snmp_exporter

The configuration content. The example below utilizes a file named 'snmp_exporter.yml' in your Ansible root directory's 'files' directory. If no configuration content is defined, a default configuration file is utilized. You will want to customize your configuration file content!:

prometheus_snmp_exporter_yml: ../files/snmp_exporter.yml

An array of additional flags to pass to the snmp_exporter daemon:

prometheus_snmp_exporter_extra_opts: []

The version of snmp_exporter to install. The source version defines the version as specified in version control: prometheus_snmp_exporter_version: "0.16.1" prometheus_snmp_exporter_src_version: "v0.16.1"

Port and IP to listen on. Defaults to listening on all available IPs on port 9116:

prometheus_snmp_exporter_host: ""
prometheus_snmp_exporter_port: 9116

SQL exporter (free) configuration

To enable sql_exporter by free include role task: sql_exporter_free

The configuration content. The example below utilizes a file named 'sql_exporter_free.yml' in your Ansible root directory's 'files' directory. If no configuration content is defined, a default configuration file is utilized. You will want to customize your configuration file content!:

prometheus_sql_exporter_free_cfg: '{{ lookup("file", "../files/sql_exporter_free.yml") | from_yaml }}'

Alternatively, the configuration file can be defined directly:

    # Subtracted from Prometheus' scrape_timeout to give us some headroom and prevent Prometheus from
    # timing out first.
    scrape_timeout_offset: 500ms
    # Minimum interval between collector runs: by default (0s) collectors are executed on every scrape.
    min_interval: 0s
    # Maximum number of open connections to any one target. Metric queries will run concurrently on
    # multiple connections.
    max_connections: 3
    # Maximum number of idle connections to any one target.
    max_idle_connections: 3

  # The target to monitor and the list of collectors to execute on it.
    # Data source name always has a URI schema that matches the driver name. In some cases (e.g. MySQL)
    # the schema gets dropped or replaced to match the driver expected DSN format.
    data_source_name: 'sqlserver://prom_user:prom_password@dbserver1.example.com:1433'

An array of additional flags to pass to the sql_exporter daemon:

prometheus_sql_exporter_free_extra_opts: []

The version of sql_exporter to install. The source version defines the version as specified in version control:

prometheus_sql_exporter_free_version: "0.5"
prometheus_sql_exporter_free_src_version: "0.5"

Port and IP to listen on. Defaults to listening on all available IPs on port 9399:

prometheus_sql_exporter_free_host: ""
prometheus_sql_exporter_free_port: 9399

Squid exporter (boynux) configuration

To enable squid_exporter by boynux include role task: squid_exporter_boynux

An array of additional flags to pass to the squid_exporter daemon:

  - '-squid-hostname="localhost"'
  - '-squid-port=3128'

The version of squid_exporter to install:

prometheus_squid_exporter_boynux_version: "1.8.1"

Port and IP to listen on. Defaults to listening on all available IPs on port 9301:

prometheus_squid_exporter_boynux_host: ""
prometheus_squid_exporter_boynux_port: 9301

SSL exporter (ribbybibby) configuration

To enable ssl_exporter by ribbybibby include role task: ssl_exporter_ribbybibby

An array of additional flags to pass to the ssl_exporter daemon:

prometheus_ssl_exporter_ribbybibby_extra_opts: []

The version of ssl_exporter to install:

prometheus_ssl_exporter_ribbybibby_version: "0.6.0"
prometheus_ssl_exporter_ribbybibby_src_version: "0.6.0"

Port and IP to listen on. Defaults to listening on all available IPs on port 9219:

prometheus_ssl_exporter_ribbybibby_host: ""
prometheus_ssl_exporter_ribbybibby_port: 9219

Statsd exporter configuration

To enable statsd_exporter include role task: statsd_exporter

The configuration content. The example below utilizes a file named 'statsd_exporter.yml' in your Ansible root directory's 'files' directory. If no configuration content is defined, a default configuration file is utilized. You will want to customize your configuration file content!:

prometheus_statsd_exporter_cfg: '{{ lookup("file", "../files/statsd_exporter.yml") | from_yaml }}'

Alternatively, the configuration file can be defined directly:

  - match: test.dispatcher.*.*.*
    name: dispatcher_events_total
      action: $2
      job: test_dispatcher
      outcome: $3
      processor: $1

An array of additional flags to pass to the statsd_exporter daemon:


The version of statsd_exporter to install. The source version defines the version as specified in version control: prometheus_statsd_exporter_version: "0.13.0" prometheus_statsd_exporter_src_version: "v0.13.0"

Port and IP to listen on. Defaults to listening on all available IPs on port 9102:

prometheus_statsd_exporter_host: ""
prometheus_statsd_exporter_port: 9102

Zookeeper exporter (infonova) configuration

To enable zookeeper_exporter include role task: zookeeper_exporter

No binaries exist for zookeeper_exporter, so you must set either:

# zookeeper_exporter only
prometheus_zookeeper_exporter_infonova_fallback_to_build: true

# Globally allow building where binaries fail to download or install
prometheus_fallback_to_build: true

An array of additional flags to pass to the zookeeper_exporter daemon:

prometheus_zookeeper_exporter_infonova_extra_opts: []

The version of zookeeper_exporter to install: prometheus_zookeeper_exporter_infonova_version: "1.1"

Port and IP to listen on. Defaults to listening on all available IPs on port 9114:

prometheus_zookeeper_exporter_infonova_host: ""
prometheus_zookeeper_exporte_infonovar_port: 9114

Example Playbook

Prometheus server

The following example installs Prometheus (server), alertmanager, blackbox_exporter, and the node_exporter. The Prometheus (server) port and storage retention parameters have been changed from the defaults.

The Prometheus server should be installed only on designated Prometheus server hosts. Prometheus clients should only have select and specific exporters installed.

Class use method:

- hosts: prometheus_servers
      - prometheus
      - alertmanager
      - blackbox_exporter
      - node_exporter
    prometheus_port: 10000
     - '--storage.tsdb.retention=90d'
    - mesaguy.prometheus

Longer 'include_role' use method:

- hosts: prometheus_servers
    prometheus_port: 10000
     - '--storage.tsdb.retention=90d'
  - name: Prometheus server
      name: mesaguy.prometheus
      tasks_from: '{{ prometheus_component }}'
      loop_var: prometheus_component
      - prometheus
      - alertmanager
      - blackbox_exporter
      - node_exporter

Additional information

Software installation methods

Installations are performed using pre-compiled binary files where possible. Where pre-compiled binaries are not available, this Ansible role:

  1. Installs the tools necessary to compile the binaries
  2. Compiles the binaries
  3. Installs the binaries in a directory specifying both the version of the Prometheus software and version of go utilized for the installation (ie: /opt/prometheus/exporters/zookeeper_exporter/1.1__go-1.10.3/zookeeper_exporter)

If a binary fails to install or is unavailable despite the existence of some pre-compiled binaries, then the Prometheus module will still be installed using source code.


This module does not manage firewall rules, employ https, or employ authentication to secure the Prometheus software. All of these security measures are worthwhile, but are currently outside the scope of this role.

We closely monitor the release of new Prometheus software as well as the Go compiler and release new versions of this Ansible role accordingly.

All daemons are run via a non-privileged 'prometheus' user by default.

When Prometheus software is installed using source code, the installation destination directory is named for both the Prometheus software version and the Go compiler version. This naming convention ensures that the use of newer versions of the Go compiler force a rebuild of the Prometheus modules build from source. This naming convention also differentiate installations by binary versus installations by compiled source. Forcing Prometheus source rebuilds each time a new version of Go is released has the negative of introducing more work by the clients, but have the benefit of ensuring that and vulnerabilities within the Go core libraries are patched. We assume that Prometheus software that is provided in binary form is monitored for vulnerabilities by the developer and rebuilt as necessary.

Future: When source is compiled, all compile commands are executed using an unprivileged user account. This combined with running daemons as an unprivileged user mitigates many security risks. -- This is currently complicated by limits with become


MIT See the LICENSE file

Author Information
