
A storage-less OAuth2 server that delegates authentication to a Jasig CAS server

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

C2O2B: CAS to OAuth2 Bridge

A storage-less OAuth2 server that authentificates to a Jasig CAS server (https://www.apereo.org/projects/cas).


Because universities deserve better delegated authentication than Jasig!

We use this internally at UVSQ for authenticating our students to a JupyterHub server. See here.


Clone, then npm install.


Edit config.js.

If you do not set a secret key to secure tokens, a new random secret will be generated at every restart.



npm start

An environment variable PORT can be passed to override the settings in config.js.

Run with Docker

If you use docker, you can run C2O2B in a container. Pull the official image:

docker pull defeo/cas2oauth2bridge

Create a config.js file with your custom settings and bind-mount it in the container:

docker run -d  -p 38080:38080 -v ./config.js:/home/node/config.js defeo/cas2oauth2bridge

and you are all set! Your OAuth2 server is now ready to accept connections (on port 38080).