
playground for neural nets

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Personal testbed and collection of utilities for torch-based neural net experiments.

Folder structure:

  • src/ and test/ is mostly the library part. There is a lot of work on torch Datasets, some of it is obsoleted by torch's DataPipes library which i do NOT yet use.
  • scripts/ contains a couple of different experiments. The files are pretty similar in structure and vary in dataset, model and training details. Most of it superseded by:
  • experiments/ contains new experiments based on yaml file descriptions. It's an opinionated wrapper around my Trainer class that can also run permutations of parameters and log the results.
  • notebooks-cleaned/ contains the cleaned (no output) version of all the jupyter notebooks used for experimentation. Some of them are useful, some of them are collections of crap from middle-of-the-night trial-and-error sessions.

Experiments from the experiments/ folder are run in project root with:

python exp.py experiments/the-name.yml run

Create a github issue if you are interested in playing with it and need some documentation.

🍓 Logbooks

experiments/logs/ contains logbooks of some experiments

CLIPig 2

After the roaring success of CLIPig (ha ha) i started a version that is configured through a graphical UI instead of yaml files.

CLIPig screenshot

Run it with

python src/clipig

🤗 (Small) Language Model chat

There's a small tool to put prompts into the huggingface language generators using a browser, which is much nicer than a command line interface.

python scripts/chat_lm_browser.py [--model <hf-model-name>]
# and visit

I'm currently having fun with

python scripts/chat_lm_browser.py \
    --model microsoft/phi-1_5
    --device auto
    --bits 8

bits reduces the precision of the weights (doc) which reduces memory requirements and let's you actually put some of the models on a normal GPU.