
Quicklauncher widget for awesome WM

Primary LanguageLuaThe UnlicenseUnlicense


Simple quicklaunchbar widget.



Simply drop the script into your awesome config folder, e.g.:

cd ~/.config/awesome
git clone https://github.com/deficient/quicklaunch.git


In your ~/.config/awesome/rc.lua:

local quicklaunch = require("quicklaunch")

-- create widget
local launchbar = quicklaunch:bar {
    { "Mumble",       "mumble.svg",       "mumble",         },
    { "Pidgin",       "pidgin.png",       "pidgin",         },
    { "Konversation", "konversation.png", "konversation",   },
    {                                                       },
    { "Terminal",     "terminator.png",   "termite",        {
        {"~/dev",     "termite -d ~/dev"    },
        {"/media",    "termite -d ~/media"  },

-- add the widget to your wibox


The constructor expects a list of items which can each be

  • an empty table (separator)
  • a table of three or four elements { tooltip, icon, action, [menu] }

An action can be

  • a command string
  • a table (list of command line arguments)
  • a function to be executed

A menu must be given as a list of tables { text, menu-action, [icon] }.

Be careful about menu-action. These are passed directly to awful.menu and can be either

  • a command string
  • a table (submenu)
  • a function to be executed. Make sure that this function ignores it's arguments and does not return values!

(If the function returns values, awful will understand them as visible, action = f() and keep the menu alive if visible is truthy and execute action)
