Django REST Framework Batteries
Build clean APIs with DRF faster.
Here's a quick overview of what the library has at the moment:
- Action-based serializers for ViewSets
- Two serializers per request/response cycle for ViewSets and GenericAPIViews
- Action-based permissions for ViewSets
- Single format for all errors
- Python ≥ 3.8
- Django ≥ 3.2
- Django REST Framework ≥ 3.12
$ pip install django-rest-batteries
Action-based serializers for ViewSets
Each action can have a separate serializer:
from rest_batteries.mixins import RetrieveModelMixin, ListModelMixin
from rest_batteries.viewsets import GenericViewSet
class OrderViewSet(RetrieveModelMixin,
response_action_serializer_classes = {
'retrieve': OrderSerializer,
'list': OrderListSerializer,
Two serializers per request/response cycle
We found that more often than not we need a separate serializer for handling request payload and a separate serializer for generating response data.
How to achieve it in ViewSet:
from rest_batteries.mixins import CreateModelMixin, ListModelMixin
from rest_batteries.viewsets import GenericViewSet
class OrderViewSet(CreateModelMixin,
request_action_serializer_classes = {
'create': OrderCreateSerializer,
response_action_serializer_classes = {
'create': OrderResponseSerializer,
'list': OrderResponseSerializer,
'cancel': OrderResponseSerializer,
How to achieve it in GenericAPIView:
from rest_batteries.generics import CreateAPIView
class OrderCreateView(CreateAPIView):
request_serializer_class = OrderCreateSerializer
response_serializer_class = OrderResponseSerializer
Action-based permissions for ViewSets
Each action can have a separate set of permissions:
from rest_batteries.mixins import CreateModelMixin, UpdateModelMixin, ListModelMixin
from rest_batteries.viewsets import GenericViewSet
from rest_framework.permissions import AllowAny, IsAuthenticated
class OrderViewSet(CreateModelMixin,
action_permission_classes = {
'create': IsAuthenticated,
'update': [IsAuthenticated, IsOrderOwner],
'list': AllowAny,
Single format for all errors
We believe that having a single format for all errors is good practice. This will make the process of displaying and handling errors much simpler for clients that use your APIs.
Any error always will be a JSON object with a message, code (identifier of the error), and field if the error is specific to a particular field. How your response could look like:
"errors": [
"message": "Delete or cancel all reservations first.",
"code": "invalid"
"message": "Ensure this field has no more than 21 characters.",
"code": "max_length",
"field": "address.work_phone"
"message": "This email already exists",
"code": "unique",
"field": "login_email"
You will not have a single format out-of-the-box after installation. You need to add an exception handler to your DRF settings:
'EXCEPTION_HANDLER': 'rest_batteries.exception_handlers.errors_formatter_exception_handler',
- Django-Styleguide by HackSoftware - inspiration