
[Python Programming] Curve Stableswap AMM Analytics with Python

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Python package for StableSwap V1 modelling

  • Currently in Beta (version 0.0.11) until fully tested and analyzed


Must first install gmpy2 python package to handle the precision within the StableSwap protocol (requires CPython 3.7 or above). To install the latest release with pip:

> pip install gmpy2

Also, in many cases will need to have required libraries (GMP, MPFR and MPC) already installed on your system, see gmpy2 installation docs for more info. Once setup, to install the latest release of StableSwapPy with pip:

> git clone https://github.com/defipy-devs/stableswappy
> pip install .


> pip install StableSwapPy

Basic Composable Stable Pool Overview

  • See test notebook for example implementation
  • Python implementation of Composable Stable Pools 'broadly' consists of two main components