
[Python Programming] Uniswap V2 / V3 Analytics with Python

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

UniswapPy: Uniswap V2 / V3 Analytics with Python

This package contains python re-factors of both original Uniswap V2 and V3 pairing codes, and can be utilized for the purpose of analysing and modelling its behavior for DeFi.


Visit docs for full documentation with walk-through tutorials


> git clone https://github.com/defipy-devs/uniswappy
> pip install .


> pip install UniswapPy

Uniswap V2

from uniswappy import *

user_nm = 'user'
eth_amount = 1000
tkn_amount = 100000

tkn = ERC20("TKN", "0x111")
eth = ERC20("ETH", "0x09")
exchg_data = UniswapExchangeData(tkn0 = eth, tkn1 = tkn, symbol="LP", address="0x011")

factory = UniswapFactory("ETH pool factory", "0x2")
lp = factory.deploy(exchg_data)

Join().apply(lp, user_nm, eth_amount, tkn_amount)


Exchange ETH-TKN (LP)
Reserves: ETH = 1000, TKN = 100000
Liquidity: 10000.0

out = Swap().apply(lp, tkn, user_nm, 1000)


Exchange ETH-TKN (LP)
Reserves: 990.1284196560293, TKN = 101000
Liquidity: 10000.0

Uniswap V3

from uniswappy import *

user_nm = 'user'
eth_amount = 1000
tkn_amount = 100000

eth = ERC20("ETH", "0x09")
tkn = ERC20("TKN", "0x111")

exchg_data = UniswapExchangeData(tkn0 = eth, tkn1 = tkn, symbol="LP", 
                                   address="0x011", version = 'V3', 
                                   tick_spacing = tick_spacing, 
                                   fee = fee)

factory = UniswapFactory("ETH pool factory", "0x2")
lp = factory.deploy(exchg_data)

out_v3 = Join().apply(lp, user_nm, eth_amount, tkn_amount, lwr_tick, upr_tick)


Exchange ETH-TKN (LP)
Reserves: ETH = 1000, TKN = 100000
Liquidity: 10000.0

out = Swap().apply(lp, tkn, user_nm, 1000)


Exchange ETH-TKN (LP)
Real Reserves: ETH = 990.1284196560293, TKN = 101000
Liquidity: 10000.0

0x Quant Terminal

This application utilizes the 0x API to produce a mock Uniswap pool which allows end-users to stress test the limitations of a Uniswap pool setup using live price feeds from 0x API; for backend setup, see notebook

Click dashboard.defipy.org for live link; for more detail see README


Run application locally

> bokeh serve --show python/application/quant_terminal/bokeh_server.py

Special Features

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