
Adds traits to quickly add random IDs to your laravel eloquent models

Primary LanguagePHP

Laravel Eloquent Models with random ID

Traits to quickly add the capability to generate random IDs for your laravel eloquent models.

Contained traits:

  • RandomIntId - set your database column type to bigInt for IDs >= 10 digits
  • RandomBinId - Laravel's Schema class typically translates $table->binary() to blob. Use raw queries for databases like MySQL where a binary(LENGTH) type is supported.
  • RandomUuid - Randomly generated UUID; corresponds to UUID v4; sets the relevant bits accordingly

###Usage: Copy the needed traits to your app folder.


namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class MyModel extends Model
	use RandomIntId;

    public $incrementing = false;

	protected $guarded = ['id'];

	protected function getIdLength(){
		// defaults to 12; make sure the id column is set to bigInt for >= 10 digits
		return 16;


namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class MyModel extends Model
	use RandomBinId;

    public $incrementing = false;

	protected $guarded = ['id'];

	protected function getIdLength(){
		// defaults to 16
		return 8;


namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class MyModel extends Model
	use RandomUuid;

    public $incrementing = false;

	protected $guarded = ['id'];

	protected function getIdLength(){
		// defaults to 16
		return 8;

RandomBinId with custom representation: Overriding getIdRepresentation() and getIdFromRepresentation() allows for customization of the string representation of the binary id. By default its encoding is hexadecimal. Here we make use of a Base32 encoder composer require christian-riesen/base32, which in contrast to Base64 allows to use the encoded id in URLs.

namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Base32\Base32;

class MyModel extends Model
	use RandomBinId;

    public $incrementing = false;

	protected $guarded = ['id'];

	protected function getIdLength(){
		return 8;

	public function getIdRepresentation(){
		return implode(".", str_split(str_replace("=", "", Base32::encode($this->getKey())), 3));

	public static function getIdFromRepresentation($representation){
		return Base32::decode(str_pad(str_replace(".", "", $representation), 16, "="));


The provided traits create a random id in PHP, check if it exists in the database, repeat those two steps until a unique id is found. This procedure requires an atomic database access, which is implemented very easily with Laravel: DB::transaction(function(){your database calls}).

Nevertheless, this implementation CAN be problematic for large data sets. As the database is blocked in an atomic call while the client potentially needs to repeat a randomID generation many times, this implementation requires you to choose the number of digits / bytes of your IDs wisely. Check out the table on the Wikipedia page on the "Birthday attack" to get an idea.

If you need maximal performance consider generating the IDs beforehand and store them to a separate table, from which you can fetch and delete one at a time, if you need a new one.