Convert an HTML table to a responsive DIV structure
Dividize takes the following options:
- customHeaderTarget (default : 'th') - If the table is not using th for its header cells, you can target other cells (e.g 'table > tr:first-child td' ).
- addLabelHeaders (default : false) - Add appropriate header elements to each created div cell.
- hideLabels (default : true) - Hide the above label headers in our div structure.
- removeHeaders (default : false) - Do not recreate the original headers in our div structure.
- preserveEvents (default : false) - Save events from elements in the table and apply them to the recreated elements in ours (Does not save events on table, thead, tbody, tfoot, th, tr, td).
- preserveDim (default : false) - Keep the table cell dimensions for our div cells.
- classes (default : '') - Add any extra classes to our root div element.
- enableAltRows (default : false) - Mark our rows with classes even/odd for css selectors
More information, including a demo can be found on my blog.