
An Unity3D raven client for sentry

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT



Directly import the package into your project. The example folder can be omitted.

How To Use

// Create a new Unity3DRavenCS instance before using it.
// A gameobject will be created in scene and won't be destroyed until the game ends.
// All messages captured by Unity3DRavenCS instance are sent to sentry server asynchronously without blocking the main thread.

Unity3DRavenCS.Unity3DRavenCS client = Unity3DRavenCS.Unity3DRavenCS.instance;

// Send message to sentry server.
client.CaptureMessage("Hello, world!", LogType.Log);

// Capture exception
    * throws exception
catch (Exception e)

You can also send all log messages including unhandled exceptions to sentry automatically by providing a log handler.

public void LogHandler(string condition, string stackTrace, LogType type)
    if (type == LogType.Exception)
        client.CaptureException(condition, stackTrace);
        client.CaptureMessage(condition, type);

void OnEnable()
    Application.logMessageReceived += LogHandler;

void OnDisable()
    Application.logMessageReceived -= LogHandler;

Please check the /Assets/Example/example.cs for full example.