
Project2, NewsTimeApp, TGY2023

Primary LanguageSwift


  • Turkcell Geleceği Yazanlar 2023 Dönemi, 2. Proje

New York Times - Top Stories

Functional Features

  • The news listed on the home screen, used tableview.
  • when the user clicks on the desired news, the details of the news; title, descriptions, big picture, author and category are shown on the details screen.
  • Favorite button in news detail. Users can add news to their favorites whenever they want.
  • There is Tabbar in the mobile application. Tabbar's first page is the main page, and the second is the page with the news that the user likes.

Used technologies

  • This application is written as modular.
  • Two third party libraries were used. These are Alamofire and SDWebImage.
  • SafariServices is used instead of WebView in the project
  • Add to favorites feature is written using Core Data.
  • Network operations implemented
  • It was created in accordance with the Auto Layout Rules.
  • The project was built using MVC architecture




