Courier PHP SDK supporting:
- Send API
- Messages API
- Profiles API
- Preferences API
- Events API
- Brands API
- Lists API
For a full description of request and response payloads and properties, please see the official Courier API docs.
- PHP 7.2+
- ext-curl
- ext-json
composer require trycourier/courier
Instantiate the Courier client class with your authorization token OR username and password. Providing just a authorization token will generate a "Bearer" authorization header, while providing a username and password will generate a "Basic" (base64-encoded) authorization header
$client = new CourierClient("base-url", "authorization-token", "username", "password");
Many methods allow the passing of optional data to the Courier endoint. This data should be an associative array of key/value pairs. The exact options supported are dependent on the endpoint being called. Please refer to the official Courier documentation for more information.
$profile = [
"firstname" => "Johnny",
"lastname" => "Appleseed",
"email" => ""
For a full description of request and response payloads and properties, please see the official Courier API docs.
sendNotification(string $event, string $recipient, string $brand = NULL, object $profile = NULL, object $data = NULL, object $preferences = NULL, object $override = NULL, string $idempotency_key = NULL): object
[?]sendNotificationToList(string $event, string $list = NULL, string $pattern = NULL, string $brand = NULL, object $data = NULL, object $override = NULL, string $idempotency_key = NULL): object
getMessages(string $cursor = NULL, string $event = NULL, string $list = NULL, string $message_id = NULL, string $notification = NULL, string $recipient = NULL): object
[?]getMessage(string $message_id): object
[?]getMessageHistory(string $message_id, string $type = NULL): object
getLists(string $cursor = NULL, string $pattern = NULL): object
[?]getList(string $list_id): object
[?]putList(string $list_id, string $name): object
[?]deleteList(string $list_id): object
[?]restoreList(string $list_id): object
[?]getListSubscriptions(string $list_id, string $cursor = NULL): object
[?]subscribeMultipleRecipientsToList(string $list_id, array $recipients): object
[?]subscribeRecipientToList(string $list_id, string $recipient_id): object
[?]deleteListSubscription(string $list_id, string $recipient_id): object
getBrands(string $cursor = NULL): object
[?]createBrand(string $id = NULL, string $name, object $settings, object $snippets = NULL, string $idempotency_key = NULL): object
[?]getBrand(string $brand_id): object
[?]replaceBrand(string $brand_id, string $name, object $settings, object $snippets = NULL): object
[?]deleteBrand(string $brand_id): object
getEvents(): object
[?]getEvent(string $event_id): object
[?]putEvent(string $event_id, string $id, string $type): object
getProfile(string $recipient_id): object
[?]upsertProfile(string $recipient_id, object $profile): object
[?]patchProfile(string $recipient_id, array $patch): object
[?]replaceProfile(string $recipient_id, object $profile): object
[?]getProfileLists(string $recipient_id, string $cursor = NULL): object
getPreferences(string $recipient_id, string $preferred_channel): object
[?]updatePreferences(string $recipient_id, string $preferred_channel): object
All unsuccessfull (non 2xx) responses will throw a CourierRequestException
. The full response object is available via the getResponse()