
this an awesome angular js app using modern software architecture

Primary LanguageJavaScript

ON FIRST ISNTALL, RUN "npm install" from the current(project) folder in order to install the dependencies

Project structure

start.bat - file to run the gulp task, which starts the web server and opens the browser package.json - the packages, installed with npm index.html - the main page of the web application gulpfile.js - the file, where is the gulp task for starting the web server

node_modules - the directory, where npm installs resides lib - the directory, where the js libraries resides (every downloaded library should be in its own directory) app - the directory where the angular application resides +-- controllers - the angular controllers. They should be in own folders, depending the business domain +- css - the css styles +- fonts - the necessary fonts +- images - the images, necessary for the application +- services - the angular services. They should be in own folders, depending the business domain +- templates - the view templates, which contains the html shown into the angular views (ui-view) +- app.js - the file where are the Angular dependencies, necessary for the application +- routes.js - the routes, necessary for the application navigation are described here. For more information see the ui.router documentation (https://github.com/angular-ui/ui-router)

How to add new content:

To add new content you need to:

  1. Create the view into app/templates/{business_domain}
  2. Create the controller, attached to the view(optional). It should be created in app/controllers/{business_domain} and should follow the structure from the other controllers (IIFE js pattern, controllerAs syntax )
  3. Add the controller reference to index.html
  4. Attach the controller to the view (again using controllerAs syntax)

Useful links:

https://github.com/johnpapa/angular-styleguide http://www.pluralsight.com/courses/angularjs-line-of-business-applications