
React-based dashboard that allows users to see how usage statistics on their website have changed over time

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Full Stack Data Analytics Dashboard (Frontend)


  • Allow users to see how key user statistics for their website has changed over time


  • [to-add] Authentication
  • [done] Datetime picker to select a date range
  • [done] Select picker with filters (referrer, country, city etc)
  • [done] Interactive Charts
  • [done] Interactive Tables
  • [deferred] Interactive Maps

Pages and Routes

  • [done] / Main page (serves referrer, geography, and device_type pages)
  • [done] /url URL page


  • [done] Header/Menu Section
  • [done] Date and time range selector
  • [done] Filters section with URL, Referrer, Device, Country, City options
  • [done] Overall stats section with numbers, trend charts etc (both with and without referrer breakdown)
  • [done] Summary table component
  • [done] Aggregate treechart component
  • [deferred] Heat map component (For now, just using a table. In future, can use https://github.com/zcreativelabs/react-simple-maps)
  • [done] For individual URL pages, and engagement component with timespent, time breakdown, scroll breakdown etc

Hooks and Context

  • [done] Value tracking for timerange, URL, referrer, device_type, country, city
  • [done] Making URL requests and updating data

Local Storage

  • [deferred] Use local storage to preserve state even if user opens links in new tab
