
Simple Django Image Resizing

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Simple Django Image Resizing

Install app

INSTALLED_APPS += ('resize',)

Then, use the ImageField subclass resize.fields.ResizedImageField like so.

from resize.fields import ResizedImageField

class MoModel(models.Model):
    image = ResizedImageField(resolutions=('32x32', '100x100'))

The resolutions should be in the formwidthxheight, where auto is an acceptable value for either. For example 100xauto 50x20 autox2000.

During normal operation, new resolutions of the image will be generated whenever it's changed. However, if you raw-insert data, or add new resolutions to the list, you can generate any missing images with a manage command.

./manage.py resize_fields

In your templates, a templatetag is provided to use the correct resolution like so.

{% load resize %}

<img src="{{ my_model.image|resize:'32x32' }}">

or in Jinja (via django-jinja)

<img src="{{ resize(my_model.image, '32x32') }}">