
Learn python and flask,just a tony blog system

Primary LanguageCSS


Learn python and flask,just a tony blog system based on flask and mysql
It is similar to cleanblog, a blog system based on flask and mongoengine




  1. Flask
  2. Flask-SQLAlchemy ORM for mysql
  3. Flask-WTF
  4. Flask-Login
  5. Flask-Admin
  6. Flask-Script
  7. Flask-Cache


  1. Bootstrap-3.2.0
  2. bootstrap-material-design
  3. CKEditor 4.4.7_standard


####The basic function of blog:

Comment: use duoshuo
Blogroll: add,list

####Develop simple restful api

URL Method Description
/api/posts GET Gives a list of all posts
/api/posts/post_id GET Gives a posts by post_id
/api/categories/category_id/posts GET Gives a list of posts by category_id
/api/categories GET Gives a list of all categories
/api/categories/category_id GET Gives a categories by category_id


  1. Think more about restful api design
  2. Develop simple android app


Pelease see project wiki Deploy Flask App on Ubuntu(Virtualenv+Gunicorn+Nginx+Supervisor)



##Connect me

Life is short,you need python! If you are interested in this project, Join us!


This project is licensed under the MIT license, see LICENSE for more details.