
Watchman telegram bot

Primary LanguageJava

Watchman Telegram Bot

Table of Contents

  1. Acknowledgments
  2. Contacts
  3. Introduction
  4. Technical Overview
  5. Contributions
  6. Contact


Special thanks:

  1. Kirill Kazakov for configuring the infrastructure and assisting in CI/CD. Kir, couldn't have done it without you.
  2. Dmitriy Volykhin for your ideas and support
  3. The best community in https://t.me/faangtalk for tests and patience



Tired of spammers flooding your Telegram groups with offers and get-rich-quick schemes? Enter Watchman Bot. This bot prompts users to introduce themselves with the tag #whois and offers LinkedIn link validation.

Adding the Bot to Your Chat/Group

  1. Bot Link: faangTalk_watchman_bot
  2. Make the bot an admin in your group and grant it read access to messages for proper functionality.

How to Use the Bot

The bot comes with an extensive list of commands. Start with:

  • /help: Displays all available commands.

Commands Available Only For Group Administrators

Commands Available For All Users

  • /top: Shows the top 5 active users.
  • /top_speaker: Shows the top 5 speakers.
  • /top_reply_to: Shows the top 5 users who frequently reply to messages.
  • /top_reply_from: Shows the top 5 users who write the most answered messages.
  • /add_rating <@user_name>: Adds a rating to a user.
  • /top_rating: Shows the top 5 users with the highest rating.


The bot supports several hashtags, including:

  • #news: Users can share messages with this hashtag for weekly digests.

Message Sending via the Bot

For group administrators, an admin module allows creating and scheduling messages for distribution.

Technical Overview

YouTube Video

For a detailed explanation of the bot architecture, watch this video.


The bot is divided into several modules:

  • admin-service
  • watchman-service
  • multistarted-service

Architecture Image

Multimodule Structure

The application adopts a modular structure where each module can function independently. They are also combined into a unified application starter in the multistarted-service module.

Watchman Service

This module processes messages received by the bot and is under active development.

Admin Service

The admin module allows viewing statistics, sending messages, and fine-tuning bot settings.


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