
Spree SAML Extension derived from Spree Social

Primary LanguageRubyBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause



This code is a fork of the Spree Social (https://github.com/spree/spree_social/) plugin for Spree (http://spreecommerce.com/), the original plugin allows users to enrol in Spree using OAuth services such as Twitter or Facebook via the Ruby OmniAuth framework. This fork replaces that login behaviour allowing users to login from a SAML identity provider such as OpenAM (http://openam.forgerock.org/) instead.

This plugin was built as material for use in a 2Keys (http://www.2keys.ca/) client demonstration of SAML based Single Sign-On and released to GitHub in the hopes that others in the Spree community may find it helpful.

DISCLAIMER: This is not production grade code, it has not been thoroughly tested, reviewed or audited, it is not supported or warrantied by 2Keys in any way.

The sections that follow outline how to build and deploy a Spree environment that uses this plugin, they assume you have a functional OpenAM server installation to test against.

Configuring Spree as an OpenAM Service Provider


  • OpenAM Server 10.1 Xpress
  • Spree 2.0.3 (see "Bitnami Spree Virtual Machine" section immediately below)
  • Spree SAML plugin TODO: replace with github address later

Installing Spree from Ruby Gem's collection

NOTE: This requires Ruby 1.9.3+ installed on your system. If you don't have this, it's probably easier to run the Bitnami prebuilt images (see next section)

If you are not using a prebuilt Bitnami VM, Spree 2.0.x can be installed using:

    # Perquisite Gems
    gem install rails -v 3.2.14 # Install Rails Server into the system Gems
    gem install spree || gem install spree_cmd # Install Spree or Spree CMD (spree w/o circular deps)

    # Install
    SPREE_INSTANCE=spree_demo_store # The name of the Rails + Spree instance.
    SPREE_HOME=$(pwd)/${SPREE_INSTANCE} # Full path to where the Spree instance will be installed.
    rails _3.2.14_ new ${SPREE_INSTANCE} # Create a Rails server instance
    spree install ${SPREE_INSTANCE} -A --version=2.0.3 # Add Spree 2.0.3 metadata into Gemfile
    cd ${SPREE_HOME}
    SED=$(type -p gsed sed | head -1) # Find GNU sed
    ${SED} -ie "s/gem 'jquery-rails'/gem 'jquery-rails', '2.2.1'/" Gemfile # Patch Gemfile for JQuery needed by Spree 2.0.3
    bundle install # Install all bundles
    rails g spree:install # Set Admin Email + Password and create instance

Test the install by running the following command and opening a web browser to [http://localhost:3000/]:

    rails server # Run Rails Server at http://localhost:3000/, use rails server -p 80 to run below port 1024

Next step: [Configure Spree to use Spree Social|#ConfigureSpreetoUseSpreeSocial]

Bitnami pre-built Spree Virtual Machine

NOTE: This requires Virtualbox or VMWare.

This can be used to get a quickly working installation of Spree as a base to build on:


Site Admin login: user: user@example.com &nbsp_place_holder; &nbsp_place_holder;pw: bitnami

OS login: bitnami

NOTE: see [next section|#TimeSynchronization]

Time Synchronization

{warning}It is critically important that all SAML parties have synchronized time, this can be particularly problematic for VMs who's time can drift over time or if VM hosts suspend/wake.{warning}

To prevent time mismatch problems, it's highly recommend that all idP and SP servers be synced to the same NTP servers. Below is one way to do that via cron and ntpdate:

    sudo apt-get -y install ntpdate # Install NTP time sync utility

sudo crontab -e # Edit root crontab{code} and enter the following cronjob to insure the server's time is accurate:

    # m h dom mon dow command  
      1 *  *   *   *  /usr/sbin/ntpdate pool.ntp.org >/dev/null 2>&1 # Synchronize time once every hour

Spree SAML Plugin

Clone the Spree SAML code to the server

    ### install git either port install git-core or apt-get install git
    mkdir ~/git
    cd ~/git
    git clone git://github.com/jumpkick/spree_saml
    cd spree_saml

Configure Spree to Use Spree Social

    cd "${SPREE_HOME}" # Replace ${SPREE_HOME} with your Spree install directory i.e. /opt/bitnami/spree
    if [ -e "${SPREE_SOCIAL_HOME}" ]; then

      # Queue up spree SAML DB structure changes
      DB_MIGRATE_FILE="$(rails generate migration SamlConfigurations | gsed -r 's/\x1B\[([0-9]{1,2}(;[0-9]{1,2})?)?[m|K]//g' | grep rb | sed -e 's/create//' -e 's/^[ \t]*//')"
      cp "${SPREE_SOCIAL_HOME}/db/migrate/*_saml_configurations.rb" "${DB_MIGRATE_FILE}"
      DB_MIGRATE_FILE="$(rails generate migration CreateUserAuthentications | gsed -r 's/\x1B\[([0-9]{1,2}(;[0-9]{1,2})?)?[m|K]//g' | grep rb | sed -e 's/create//' -e 's/^[ \t]*//')"
      cp "${SPREE_SOCIAL_HOME}/db/migrate/*_create_user_authentications.rb" "${DB_MIGRATE_FILE}"
      # Update the Gem's and change the DB structure
      bundle update
      bundle exec rake db:migrate

      # Inject dependencies into Gemfile
      echo >> Gemfile
      echo >> Gemfile
      echo "gem 'spree_social', :path => '${SPREE_SOCIAL_HOME}'" >> Gemfile
      echo "gem 'omniauth-saml', :git => 'git://github.com/ruvr/omniauth-saml.git'" >> Gemfile

      # Activate the SAML plugin
      bundle update

      # Start the Rails server
      rvmsudo rails server -p 80 # Start the Rails server on port 80
      echo "Check your SPREE_SOCIAL_HOME variable is set and that the directory
      SPREE_SOCIAL_HOME exists and then try again."

Configuration Steps For Creating New IDP within Spree SAML

{note}Make sure that server names are resolvable both to OpenAM and the SP server either through /etc/hosts entries or DNS entries on each server.{note}

  • Login using a Spree Admin user
  • Go to '/admin' page and click Configuration tab
  • On the right menu, choose Saml Authentication
  • Create "New SAML Configuration". Complete following fields (many others are not being used atm):
    1. Assertion Consumer Service URL: [http://website.example.com/users/auth/saml/callback]
      NOTE: Make sure that server names are resolvable both to OpenAM and the SP server either through /etc/hosts entries or DNS entries

    2. Assertion Consumer Service Binding: urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect

    3. Name Identifier Format: urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient

    4. Issuer: website.example.com

    5. IDP SSO Target URL: http(s)://openamserver/openam*/SSORedirect/metaAlias/idp*

    6. Host: OpenAM (this is for display purposes only)

    7. SLO, IDP Metadata, Authentication Context, IDP Certificate Fingerprint fields are not used

    8. Set Active to "Yes"

    9. IDP Certificate (remember to add \n after every line of the cert to format into 1 long line):


Your IDP certificate can be found in the X509 block of the IDP Metadata @ http(s)://openamserver/openam*/saml2/jsp/exportmetadata.jsp*

NOTE: Github markdown renders this line with extra breaks after BEGIN and before END CERTIFCATE lines.

  • Save the configuration and logout.

OpenAM setup using Spree SAML

Make sure that server names are resolvable both to OpenAM and the SP server either through /etc/hosts entries or DNS entries on each server.

  • Register Remote Service Provider using Metadata URL: [http://website.example.com/users/auth/saml/metadata]
  • Set Name ID Format: urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient
  • Add the following attibute mappers:
    • telephone=telephoneNumber
    • address=postalAddress
    • last_name=sn
    • uid=uid
    • name=uid
    • first_name=givenName
    • mail=mail
  • Save the new SP

NOTE: see [Time Synchronization|#TimeSynchronization] to insure that the OpenAM server has accurate time, otherwise expired assertions may be rejected by SPs.

Require SAML authentication for all logins

Configuration Steps for Toggling Gatekeeper:

  • Open ${SPREE_SOCIAL_HOME}/app/models/spree/authentication_disabler.rb
  • Changing return true for def self.login_disabled will force login through SAML only. Reverse this step to disable SAML logins.
  • Save changes then restart rails server

Spree SAML Development Enhancements

This is work that is beyond the scope of our demo, but are things people wishing to use this plugin should probably complete before using it in a production deployment.

  • Admin cannot login when Spree SAML is enabled -> add groups=isMemberOf to OpenAM SP's Assertion Mappings, add group for users and group for admins to spree SAML and then check the login user's group
  • Enable Single Logout in Spree SAML, so that session can be expired when user signs out of OpenAM
  • Fix translation when hitting the "X" next to SAML authentication type on User's Account screen (optionally remove this if it doesn't need to be there)
  • Have address from SAML assertion appear during checkout process as default address