
Notes and code for exploring web connected IMU data

Primary LanguageHTMLOtherNOASSERTION

Motion Signals

This Repo provides some tools for looking at IMU (Intertial Measurement Unit Data) consisting of accelerometer / gyro / and magnetometer readings to assess motion. Also included are some utlities for examining AHRS (Attitude Heading Referance Systems) code.

The repo contains utilties for using smartphone only data or connecting an embedded board which has IMU sensors onboard.

Using With the Seeed Studio Xiao BLE Sense

Firmware in this repo connects uses a seeed studio sense to provide streaming measurements of accelerometer and gyro data from the on board IMU. The data can be received by any BLE compatible host.

To make this repo work you must build and flash the firmware and then capture the data over BLE.

  • Firmware - minimal written C++ with the arduino toolchain. The firmware does not perform any power management, so as long as there is power from either USB-C or a battery it will attempt to connect over BLE and stream the data.

    • stream accel / gyro over BLE
  • Web Client - using the BLE support in the chrome browser the client graphs and shows current instantaeoous values of the IMU in near real-time.

    • uses direct connection from the board via BLE in the browser
    • live charts of the accel and gyro data (raw)
    • export all the session data as a JSON

Compiling the Firmware

Install the Arduino IDE.

Then get the right board support package (BSP). The core board used here is the Seeed Studio Xiao BLE Sense.

Open the File > Preferences and add the following URL and fill in the Additional Board Manager URLs" Seeed Xiao BLE BSP

Then go to Tools > Board > Board Manager and search for "seeed nrf52". Add the Seeed Studio Xiao NRF52840 Sense.

Now go to Tools > Board > Seeed nRF Boards > Seeed Xiao BLE Sense nRF52840.

In order to communicate with Bluetooth 5 devices, we will use the Ardiuno BLE library. Go to Library Manager and pic ArduinoBLE from the list and click install.

At this point you should be able to compile code for the bands which don't have the display.

Viewing the browser

The webpage does not depend on a server side per se. However to allow BLE to be permitted in chrome one must run this on either localhost or the page must be run from an https:// enabled web site.

run with python 3.6_

cd app
python3 -m http.server 8000 

open localhost:8000/index.html in the chrome or Edge browser (chrome supports BLE extensions uses)

or run with nodejs

cd app
npx serve

Electrical Design

The hardware is based on the Nordic NRF52840 BLE system on chip with support for BLE v5. Accelerometer and Gyro information is provided by ST Semiconductor LSM6DS3TR. A bqBQ25101 charge management chip manages the 150 mAH LiIon battery.

All programming and charging take place over a USB-C connection.

Revision history

Jul 2023 - M A Chatterjee - clean up files switch to chartjs Jun 2022 - M A Chatterjee - initial fw, webpage, hw design Aug 2022 - M A Chatterjee - clean up checking to git