Regression training_accuracy = reg.score(X_train,y_train)
testing_accuracy = reg.score(X_test,y_test) or testing accuracy can be calculated using
y_pred = reg.predict(X_test) , accuracy_score(y_test,X_test)
accuracy_score() function: This function is part of the metrics module in scikit-learn and is used to calculate the accuracy of the model's predictions given the true labels. It can be used when you want to manually compare the predicted labels with the true labels for any set of data, not just the test set. It is a general-purpose function that can be used with any predicted labels and true labels, regardless of the model used.
score() method: The score() method is specific to scikit-learn models and is usually used for evaluating the model's performance on the test set. It internally makes predictions on the input data and compares them with the true labels, returning the accuracy. It is a more concise way to obtain the accuracy for the test set specifically, without manually comparing labels. Classification accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred)
To control overfitting decision tree-: control max_depth and min_samples_split , max depth should be low and minimum sample to be at leaf node (min_sample_split) should be high.
-SELECT NULLIF ((SELECT DISTINCT salary FROM (SELECT salary, DENSE_RANK() over(ORDER BY salary DESC) AS rownum FROM employee) temp WHERE temp.rownum=2) , NULL) AS SecondHighestSalary ;
Leetcode(self join) -->
Note- if with join you don't do l1.num means does not specify to which column l1 refers to then it will throw ambiguous column error.
--select distinct l1.num as ConsecutiveNums from Logs l1 JOIN Logs l2 ON and l2.num=l1.num JOIN Logs l3 ON and l3.num=l1.num;
select as Customers FROM Customers LEFT JOIN Orders ON WHERE Orders.customerId is NULL;
select "Department" , "Employee", "salary" FROM (select as "Department" , as "Employee", Employee.salary as "salary" , DENSE_RANK() over(partition by ORDER BY Employee.salary desc) as rownum FROM Employee JOIN Department on ) temptable WHERE temptable.rownum=1;