
raven logging middleware for the book logging framework

Primary LanguageJavaScript


raven middleware for the book logging framework


var log = require('book').default();

// add the middleware to your logger
log.use(require('book-raven')('your sentry DSN here'));

log.warn('hello world');
log.info('hello world was logged');

handle errors from sentry

Sometimes the messages cannot be sent to sentry. In this case the on_error function will be called with the error. If no on_error function is specified, the error will simply be thrown and any uncaughtException handlers you have installed will catch it (or your app will crash).

It is recommended to install some sort of on_error handler.

log.use(require('book-raven')('DSN', {
    on_error: function(err) {

configure levels to send

By default, only PANIC, ERROR, and WARN levels are sent to sentry. If you wish to By default, all log entries are sent. If you wish to limit logging to specific levels use the ignore_levels option.

Below is an example of ignoring all levels above (less critical) than WARN. So PANIC, ERROR, and WARN will be sent to sentry, but INFO, DEBUG, and TRACE will not.

log.use(require('book-raven')('DSN', {
    ignore_levels: log.WARN
    on_error: function(err) {


If you use process uncaughtException to handle the error and wish to exit. Make sure to exit after a short timeout. This will give the raven logger a chance to send the http request.

process.on('uncaughtException', function(err) {
    setTimeout(process.exit.bind(process, 1), 1500);


npm install book
npm install book-raven