
Query parameter authentication is deprecated on GitHub

GiorgioGhisotti opened this issue · 10 comments


GitHub has deprecated access token authentication through query parameters. As far as I can tell this utility can't work with https authentication anymore short of asking the user for their credentials every time. Using ssh authentication could be a solution.

They mention in the email to use the Authorization HTTP header instead FWIW

The github email mentions the following message

Please use the Authorization HTTP header instead,
as using the `access_token` query parameter is deprecated.

Depending on your API usage, we'll be sending you this email ...

for more information.

The web pages explains

GitHub is deprecating authentication to the GitHub API using query parameters,
such as using a access_token query parameter for OAuth user authentication
or a client_id/client_secret query  parameter for OAuth application authentication.

All authentication to the GitHub API should be done 
using HTTP basic authentication

As far as I can tell from the documentation, "basic authentication", even with OAuth, means that the user is queried for username and OAuth token after making the http request - there may be a way to automate that process but it feels a bit clunky and not the intended way of authenticating.

aren't they just saying use the header instead of the query parameter??

curl -H "Authorization: token OAUTH-TOKEN"

like that?

This command is working for me curl -H "Authorization: token $GIT_TOKEN"

Well in that case it should be pretty easy to fix, I didn't quite understand that prepending the token wold work.

looks like it's already committed -> 635b143

brew unlink gist && brew install -s gist --HEAD until brew has been updated

looks like it's already committed -> 635b143

@GiorgioGhisotti You can close this issue now