Learning project.
This is a re-working of my Receipts app in React Native. So far, just the GUI, and not much of that. But, I'll slowly add to it as I have time.
See React Native in ClojureScript for notes I'm writing as I learn this platform.
Install Expo XDE and mobile client
If you don't want to use XDE (not IDE, it stands for Expo Development Tools), you can use [exp CLI](https://docs.expo.io/versions/v15.0.0/guides/exp-cli.html).
yarn global add exp
yarn install
exp signup
lein figwheel
boot dev
;; then input (cljs-repl) in the connected clojure repl to connect to boot cljs repl
exp start -a --lan
exp start -i --lan
(def cljs-logo (js/require "./assets/images/cljs.png"))
(def FontAwesome (js/require "@expo/vector-icons/FontAwesome"))
- Reload simulator or device
Since Figwheel already does those.
lein prod-build
boot prod