
A Swift framework for iOS projects which creates an easy sliding menu you can drop in your apps

Primary LanguageSwift

Sliding Menu

A Swift framework for iOS projects which creates an easy sliding menu you can drop in your apps


Add this framework using the Swift Package Manager and import SlidingMenu Create an array of MenuItemData, pass the array as a parameter to SlidingMenu and provide a view in a trailing enclosure to be used for the menu header

let menuItems: [MenuItemData] = [
                .init(sfSymbol: "person.fill",
                title: "Contacts") {
                .init(sfSymbol: "bubble.fill",
                title: "Chats") {
                .init(sfSymbol: "gear",
                title: "Settings") {

SlidingMenu(menuItems) {

A MenuItemData is initialized with sfSymbol, a string containing the name of an SF Symbol, title, a string containing the title of the menu item, and a trailing closure containing a view. sfSymbol can be omitted from the initializer if no SF Symbol is desired.


// Will create a menu item with an SF Symbol of `pencil` and a title of `Edit`. When tapped, the selected view will be changed to `EditView()`
let item = MenuItemData(sfSymbol: "pencil", title: "Edit") {
// Will create a menu item with a title of `New Note`. When tapped, the selected view will be changed to `NewNoteView()`
let item2 = MenuItemData(title: "New Note") {

A default sliding menu is created with a background color of blue, a menu item text color of primary, a selected menu item text color of white. The background color has a gradient applied for the menu background. The background color is also used without a gradient as the background color of the selected menu item.

These settings can be overridden by using the .menuSettings view modifier:

SlidingMenu(menuItems) {
.menuSettings(menuBackgroundColor: Color.yellow,
              menuItemTextColor: Color.black,
              selectedMenuItemTextColor: Color.black,
              defaultMenuItemFont: Font.title)