
StateRecovery is an important program for withdrawing assets on DeGate Exodus Mode. Any user can restore the Asset Merkle Tree by executing the StateRecovery program after DeGate enters the Exodus Mode without relying on any DeGate services. The user can obtain the key parameters required by the Exodus Mode to withdraw assets. Reference of Exodus Mode execution in this document.


Executable programs compiled with DeGate

Go to release page of this github repository and download the latest executable program suitable for your machine OS.

For example, for mac-OS download mac.zip, for linux-OS download linux.zip.

Compile with docker

build a docker image using dockerfile

Excute the command:

cd docker
docker build -t zkp:1.0 .

create a container using image

Excute the command:

docker run --name=zkp -it zkp:1.0 bash

program compilation

The container contains the cloned staterecovery code, just compile it directly Excute the command:

cd /go/src/degate-state-recover/cmd

Compile from source code

Install the golang environment

Please refer to golang official website.

Dependency pull

Excute the command:

go mod download

program compilation

  1. Go to cmd folder
cd cmd
  1. Execute compile
go build -o staterecovery ./main.go

Generate executable programstaterecovery

Configuration instructions

The configuration file needs to be prepared before the program is executed and all parameters can be obtained on the Ethereum chain.

The configuration file is config.toml, which is in the same directory as start.sh and staterecovery executable file.

Configuration that can be used directly without modification:

# The storage path of the Asset Merkle Tree built by crawling DeGate-Block. If the program execution is interrupted, the next startup will start loading from the file, that is, continue processing from the last interrupted position
stateSavedFile = "state.json"
# The storage path of all the crawled DeGate-Block information, all DeGate-Block files are stored in the `blockfile` folder under the `blockFilePath` configuration

# Asset Merkle Tree build interval speed, 0:0s seconds, no interval
loopInterval = 0 # second
# Asset Merkle Tree file storage interval, 1000: perform storage every 1000 DeGate blocks
saveStateBlockInterval = 1000

# The output product of the `StateRecovery` program is used to extract the user's assets in escape mode. The `merkleProof.json` file contains the input parameters of the contract call method. The extracted account and token information are specified by the configuration `withdrawModeAccount` and `withdrawModeToken`
withdrawModeFilePath = "merkleProof.json"

Configuration that needs to be modified:

# The wallet address that needs to be withdrawn
# The token address that needs to be withdrawn
# The blockID of the first zkRollup initiated by DeGate, which is the blockID of Ethereum
# DeGate's exchange contract address
# Ethereum rpc node

Exchange contract address acquisition

DeGate will pre-prepare the addresses of the exchange contract in the configuration file. Anyone can verify the addresses easily through explorers.

ChainNode get

Register Infura account and use the Ethereum rpc node provided by Infura.

Program execution

Give start.sh and staterecovery execution programs executable permissions:

chmod +x start.sh
chmod +x staterecovery

Execute the command:


It needs to crawl all the DeGate-Block, and the execution time is long. You can check the program execution process by observing the file created in the blockfile folder or check the status in StateRecovery.log.


Program will stop automatically when its done, and output the constructed Asset Merkle Tree and input parameters of the contract method withdrawFromMerkleTree.

Constructed Asset Merkle Tree

The constructed Asset Merkle Tree is in the configuration file of stateSavedFile, which is a Merkle tree containing all DeGate user accounts and asset information, which will only be generated once.

Input parameters

The input parameters of the contract method withdrawFromMerkleTree are in the configuration file of withdrawModeFilePath. withdrawFromMerkleTree can only extract one token of one user at a time. If you need to extract multiple tokens, you need to modify the configuration of withdrawModeToken and execute start.sh again to get new input parameters.