
For DeGate trust ceremony

Primary LanguageShell

DeGate ZKP Trusted Setup Multi-party Computation Ceremony

We use a very similar method of contributing as in phase 1 of the ceremony. As long as one party in the ceremony behaves honestly and is not comprimised, the entire setup is trustworthy.

Ceremony progress

Berg Jefferson (email: berg@dgfans.io, keybase: bergjefferson) will be the main coordinator.

The ceremony occurs in sequential rounds. Each participant performs one or more rounds at a time. The coordinator decides the order in which the participants act. There can be an indefinite number of rounds.

The ceremony starts with the coordinator picking a response file from the phase 1 ceremony. The coordinator uses this to generate the initial parameters for all circuits in the phase 2 ceremony and publishing it in a publicly accessible repository.

The participants download these parameters, run a computation to produce new parameters, and send it to the coordinator.

Instructions for Participants

All participants please follow these instructions. Note that for all participants: please join our Keybase team(degateceremony) BEFORE your turn comes up.

Instructions for Coordinators

Coordinators shall follow these instructions.