
AWS Elastic Beanstalk Sidekiq Worker Config

Primary LanguageRuby

AWS Elastic Beanstalk Sidekiq Worker Config

This is an attempt to run rails API, Redis Server and Sidekiq Worker on a AWS Beanstalk web environment. This type of configuration is suitable for feature or staging environments. For the production environment, consider using ElasticCache for redis server and separate web/ worker environment for sidekiq workers. This setup usages Rails 6, Redis 4 and Sidekiq 6 running on Amazon Linux 2 instance. For the deployment on the Linux 1 instance checkout to Linux1 branch.

Based on

  1. https://medium.com/kite-srm/setting-up-sidekiq-6-0-on-aws-b4f2e01f451c
  2. https://github.com/mperham/sidekiq/blob/master/examples/systemd/sidekiq.service


  1. systemd is used instead of upstart
  2. Support for Linux 2 AMI


  1. Setup Redis server
  2. Run sidekiq as a service using systemd
  3. Enable swap memory
  4. Restart sidekiq on configuration change