
An easy way to check your progress on Pair Columbus challenges.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Dependency Status Code Climate

An easy way to check your progress on Pair Columbus challenges. Remember, you don't need to be a member of Pair Columbus to work on the challenges (though if you want to join us, that would be awesome).


Enter a GitHub username to see which challenges that user has completed. Progress keeps track of this by assuming that you have completed any challenge that you have submitted a pull request. Please note that this may have false positives if you are contributing to a project, or send a pull request with an incomplete solution. If you need help with a solution you're working on, feel free to ask around on your pull request for that challenge.


You should install Node.js first.

npm install
npm start

If you run into issues with rate limiting, please register a new OAuth application on GitHub and set the PROGRESS_ID and PROGRESS_SECRET environment variables to your client ID and client secret (respectively) before you start the app. Progress is also deployed on Heroku, which will automatically deploy the app whenever you commit to master (and it already has the client ID and client secret set up.


These are the technologies used by Progress itself, not the technologies covered in the Pair Columbus challenges.