
Node.js wrapper task for boot-clj

Primary LanguageClojureMIT LicenseMIT

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Node.js wrapper task for boot-clj.

boot-nodejs is developed and maintained by Degree9

  • Provides nodejs task for generating node.js entrypoint.
  • Provides serve task for executing node.js server.

The following outlines basic usage of the task, extensive testing has not been done. Please submit issues and pull requests!


Add boot-nodejs to your build.boot dependencies and require the namespace:

(set-env! :dependencies '[[degree9/boot-nodejs "X.Y.Z"]])
(require '[degree9.boot-nodejs :refer :all])

Generate a node.js cljs edn file.

boot nodejs -i app.server/init -e nodejs

Start a node.js server script.

boot serve -s nodejs

Use in a wrapper task:

(boot/deftask start-server
  "Start app server."
  (let [...]
      (nodejs :init-fn 'app.server/init)

Task Options

The nodejs task exposes options for generating a node.js compatible .cljs.edn file.

e edn       VAL str  "Node.js main edn name. (nodejs)"
i init-fn   VAL sym  "Node.js init function."
d develop       bool "Sets nodejs-cljs dev flag."

By default the nodejs task will produce a nodejs.cljs.edn file.

The serve task exposes options for starting a Node.js instance.

s script VAL str  "Node.js main script file. (nodejs)"

If you use a custom :edn name for nodejs task, that name can be used for the :script option of the serve task.

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