Test-driven APNS library with built-in metrics.
npm install apnsexy -g
##Example (coffeescript)
apnsexy = require("apnsexy")
Apnsexy = apnsexy.Apnsexy
Librato = apnsexy.Librato
Notification = apnsexy.Notification
# Librato Metrics
librato = new Librato(
email: "your@email.com"
token: "yourtoken"
# Apnsexy
apns = new Apnsexy(
cert : "/path/to/cert.pem"
debug : true
debug_ignore: [ "keepSending" ]
gateway : "gateway.sandbox.push.apple.com"
librato : librato
# Send notification
new Notification(
alert : "hello!"
badge : 0
device: "deviceidgoeshere"
##Apnsexy Instance Events
Emits when an invalid token (error 8) is found.
###finish(potential_drops: 0, total_errors: 0, total_notifications: 0, total_sent: 0)
Emits when there are not any notifications to be resent.
Emits once a notification is sent down the wire.